Changes for page Lynxmotion Wiki
Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2024/07/03 09:47
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -xwiki:XWiki. CBenson1 +xwiki:XWiki.ENantel - Hidden
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... ... @@ -1,15 +1,17 @@ 1 - **PageContents**1 +Welcome to the Lynxmotion Wiki! We thank you for your purchase and your support for Lynxmotion ([[>>]]) and its products. This wiki contains all the information you need to understand, assemble and use Lynxmotion product(s). 2 2 3 -{{toc depth="3"/}} 4 - 5 -Welcome to the Lynxmotion Wiki! 6 - 7 -We thank you for your purchase and your support for Lynxmotion ([[>>]]) and its products. This wiki contains all the information you need to understand, assemble and use Lynxmotion product(s). 8 - 9 9 = **Navigation** = 10 10 11 11 To navigate the wiki, there is a navigation panel on the left side of every page, a search at the top right of the page, and breadcrumbs at the top of each page (below the header). Many pages also include page contents shortcuts (as can be seen at the top of this page) which can be used when providing direct links to specific sections of specific pages, and certain pages like assembly guides include "Previous" and Next" steps. A Navigation section is often included at the bottom of pages as well. Clicking the Lynxmotion logo at the top left of the wiki will bring you back to this page. 12 12 7 +Here are the main ones: 8 + 9 +* [[doc:servo-erector-set-robots-kits.WebHome]] 10 +* [[doc:multirotor-erector-set.WebHome]] 11 +* [[doc:rover-kits.WebHome]] 12 +* [[doc:lynxmotion-smart-servo.WebHome]] 13 +* [[doc:servo-erector-set-system.WebHome]] 14 + 13 13 = **Community** = 14 14 15 15 We encourage everyone who is passionate about robotics to join the RobotShop community which contains a lot of information, and there are many ways to become active and involved. ... ... @@ -20,12 +20,6 @@ 20 20 * [[Blogs>>]]: Read opinions on a variety of topics including news, ethics, insights and opinions. 21 21 * [[News>>]]: Don't miss news in the robotics field! Read the curated selection of the best ad latest articles. 22 22 23 -= **Purchasing** = 24 - 25 -All Lynxmotion products can be found and purchased on the RobotShop e-commerce site and from various resellers. Search for specific products using either the Lynxmotion SKU or the RobotShop SKU or browse based on category. 26 - 27 -[[https:~~/~~/>>]] 28 - 29 29 = **Technical Questions, Support & Feedback** = 30 30 31 31 In order to better serve you, technical questions regarding Lynxmotion products should be posted on the [[RobotShop Community Forum>>]]. Questions, comments and feedback are answered by both Lynxmotion technical staff and members. Visit the 24/7 to: ... ... @@ -37,12 +37,16 @@ 37 37 38 38 = **Orders / Returns** = 39 39 40 - Products can be purchasedworldwidefrom any authorizedreseller.All termsandconditionsregardingcancelling an order,payment methods,returnsandmorecanbefoundhere:36 +All Lynxmotion products can be found and purchased on the RobotShop e-commerce site and from various resellers. Search for specific products using either the Lynxmotion SKU or the RobotShop SKU or browse based on category. 41 41 42 conditions/38 +[[https:~~/~~/>>]] 43 43 44 - Itis important to notethatrobot kitsmaynot be exchangednor refunded once they are assembledin partorin entirety. Only defective componentswill bereplacedf theneedarises withinthewarranty period. Along theselines,please carefully read the assembly instructionsforthe robot andnsurethat theyareunderstoodbefore commencing construction. If there isany uncertainty,please contactus before starting,andespecially beforeapplying power. Workcarefully ona clean tableand take regular breaks in order to maintain your concentration. Unfortunately we cannot be heldresponsible for mistakes made by thebuilder.40 +All terms and conditions regarding cancelling an order, payment methods, returns and more can be found here: 45 45 42 +[[https:~~/~~/>>]] 43 + 44 +It is important to note that robot kits may not be exchanged nor refunded once they are assembled in part or in entirety. Only defective components will be replaced if the need arises within the warranty period. Along these lines, please carefully read the assembly instructions for the robot and ensure that they are understood before commencing construction. If you are uncertain about any part of the assembly, please contact us, especially before applying power. Work carefully on a clean table and take regular breaks in order to maintain your concentration. Unfortunately we cannot be held responsible for mistakes made by the builder. 45 + 46 46 Software which has been activated cannot be returned. 47 47 48 48 When storing and charging batteries and battery packs, be sure to follow standard safety procedures (for example store and charge lithium batteries in a LiPo safe bag) and use a charger which is appropriate for the battery. ... ... @@ -59,3 +59,7 @@ 59 59 * BLDC motors, ESCs: Six (6) Month warranty 60 60 61 61 * Most batteries are shipped in a charged state to retain their capacity for as long as possible. Letting a battery fall below the minimum voltage required to be fully charged may damage the battery and reduce its lifespan. 62 + 63 += **Contact Us** = 64 + 65 +Details on how to contact RobotShop can be found here: [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]]