Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2023/01/19 13:40

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Eric Nantel 3.1 4 <table border="0" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" cellpadding="5">
5 <tbody><tr>
6 <td colspan="2" >
7 <p align="center"><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">Controlling an Arm
8 with the Bot Board (Basic Stamp 2) and the SSC-32</font></strong></p>
9 </td>
10 </tr>
11 <tr>
12 <td valign="top" colspan="2"><font size="1" face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font></td>
13 </tr>
14 <tr>
15 <td valign="top" ><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">Make the
16 connection</font></strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><br>
17 Before I discuss how to write a program to control the arm, we need to
18 make the serial data connection. The SSC-32 includes a short two conductor
19 cable assembly. The black wire goes to ground and the yellow wire is for
20 the signal. The .1" spaced end goes to the SSC-32 where it is marked
21 with RX and the ground symbol. It will be necessary to remove the DB9
22 enable jumpers if present to make this connection. The yellow wire goes to
23 RX, and the black wire goes to ground. The .2" spaced end goes to the
24 Bot Board I/O pin 15. The black wire goes closer to the outside edge of
25 the board, and the yellow wire goes closer to the IC. Note, the nylon
26 standoff has been removed for this photo. These examples are for a BS2,
27 BS2-E, or stamps with similar timing. The 6 in the "serout"
28 command refers to non-inverted, 8 data bits, no parity communication with
29 a baud rate of 38400.</font></td>
30 <td valign="top" align="center" width="50%"><img border="2" src="" width="320" height="240"><br>
31 <font face="Verdana" size="2">Figure 1.</font></td>
32 </tr>
33 <tr>
34 <td valign="top" colspan="2"><font size="1" face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font></td>
35 </tr>
36 <tr>
37 <td valign="top" ><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">Enabling
38 the servos</font></strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><br>
39 SSC-32 will not send out servo pulses until it receives the proper
40 command. The program to the right will enable channels 10 through 15. This
41 will make all of the servos go to their mid positions, or 1500uS. Note,
42 all serout commands need to be one continuous line of text. If you cut and
43 paste from here you will need to remove the CR's. Note, later you can
44 substitute the 1500's with another starting positions to prevent the arm
45 from jumping.</font></td>
46 <td valign="top" bordercolor="#000000">
47 <table border="1" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
48 <tbody><tr>
49 <td bordercolor="#000000"><font face="Courier New" size="2">serout
50 15,6,["#10 P1500 #11 P1500 #12 P1500 #13 P1500 #14 P1500 #15
51 P1500",13]&nbsp;<br>
52 <br>
53 start:<br>
54 goto start&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 'loop</font></td>
55 </tr>
56 </tbody></table>
57 </td>
58 </tr>
59 <tr>
60 <td valign="top" colspan="2"><font size="1" face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font></td>
61 </tr>
62 <tr>
63 <td valign="top" ><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">Move the
64 arm smoothly</font></strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><br>
65 The next program will move the arm from the initial position, to a new
66 position, then to another new position, then cycle back and forth. The
67 moves are slow and smooth. They will each take 2 seconds to complete.
68 Note, these servo values are arbitrary, you will need to replace them with
69 the actual positions you want the arm to move to.</font></td>
70 <td valign="top" bordercolor="#000000">
71 <table border="1" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
72 <tbody><tr>
73 <td bordercolor="#000000"><font face="Courier New" size="2">serout
74 15,6,["#10 P1500 #11 P1500 #12 P1500 #13 P1500 #14 P1500 #15
75 P1500",13]&nbsp;<br>
76 <br>
77 start:<br>
78 serout 15,6,["#10 P1400 #11 P1400 #12 P1400 #13 P1400 #14 P1400
79 #15 P1400 T2000",13]&nbsp;<br>
80 pause 2000<br>
81 serout 15,6,["#10 P1600 #11 P1600 #12 P1600 #13 P1600 #14 P1600
82 #15 P1600 T2000",13]&nbsp;<br>
83 pause 2000<br>
84 goto start&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 'repeat</font></td>
85 </tr>
86 </tbody></table>
87 </td>
88 </tr>
89 <tr>
90 <td valign="top" colspan="2"><font size="1" face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font></td>
91 </tr>
92 <tr>
93 <td valign="top" ><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">Code
94 specific to the arm</font></strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><br>
95 By using variables and the gosub command the code can be simplified to
96 read easier. This program will accomplish the same thing as the previous
97 one, but you can change the position with a name instead of a number. The
98 first serout still uses the servo channel number though.</font></td>
99 <td valign="top" bordercolor="#000000">
100 <table border="1" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
101 <tbody><tr>
102 <td bordercolor="#000000"><font face="Courier New" size="2">base&nbsp;&nbsp;var
103 word 'Base rotate<br>
104 shld&nbsp; var word 'Shoulder pivot<br>
105 elbo&nbsp; var word 'Elbow pivot<br>
106 wrst&nbsp; var word 'Wrist pivot<br>
107 grip&nbsp; var word 'Gripper open/close<br>
108 grpr&nbsp; var word 'Gripper rotate (L6 only)<br>
109 ttm&nbsp;&nbsp; var word 'Amount of time to take to move<br>
110 <br>
111 serout 15,6,["#10 P1500 #11 P1500 #12 P1500 #13 P1500 #14 P1500
112 #15 P1500",13]&nbsp;<br>
113 <br>
114 start:<br>
115 'first move...<br>
116 base=1400: shld=1400: elbo=1400:<br>
117 wrst=1400: grip=1400: grpr=1400:&nbsp;<br>
118 ttm=2000<br>
119 gosub send_data<br>
120 <br>
121 'second move...<br>
122 base=1600: shld=1600: elbo=1600:&nbsp;<br>
123 wrst=1600: grip=1600: grpr=1600:&nbsp;<br>
124 ttm=2000<br>
125 gosub send_data<br>
126 <br>
127 'add more moves here...<br>
128 goto start<br>
129 <br>
130 send_data:<br>
131 serout 15,6,["#10P", DEC base, "#11P", DEC shld,
132 "#12P", DEC elbo, "#13P", DEC wrst,
133 "#14P", DEC grip, "#15P", DEC grpr,
134 "T", DEC ttm, 13]<br>
135 pause ttm<br>
136 return&nbsp;<br>
137 </font></td>
138 </tr>
139 </tbody></table>
140 </td>
141 </tr>
142 <tr>
143 <td valign="top" colspan="2"><font size="1" face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font></td>
144 </tr>
145 <tr>
146 <td valign="top" ><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">In
147 conclusion</font></strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><br>
148 I hope you find this simple tutorial helpful. I will add more content in
149 the future. Now you can control the Lynx arms easily and eloquently from a
150 Basic Stamp 2 / SSC-32.</font>
151 <p><font size="2" face="Verdana">Happy Roboting,</font>
152 </p><p><font size="2" face="Verdana">Jim Frye</font></p>
153 </td>
154 <td valign="top" ></td>
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