Changes for page FlowArm LSS
Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2024/07/03 09:39
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -xwiki:XWiki. ENantel1 +xwiki:XWiki.CBenson - Content
... ... @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 1 1 [[image:LSS-FlowArm.png||width="350"]] 2 2 3 -[[ [[image:lynxmotion-wiki-attachments.WebHome@DownloadNow.png]]>>]]3 +[[image:wiki-download.png]] 4 4 5 5 **Page Contents** 6 6 ... ... @@ -8,10 +8,15 @@ 8 8 9 9 = Description = 10 10 11 - The LSS FlowArmapplicationis intended to allow easy control of the standard Lynxmotion Servo Erector Set (S.E.S.) v2 articulated robotic arm. Thegraphicalinterfaceshows multiple viewsof the arm which canbe controlled via drag and drop, as well as by manually inputting coordinates. The full-featured built-in sequencer allows you create sequences which have the arm move automatically from one position ("frame") to the next. Make use of the "teach mode" to position the arm where you want and record frames which can be modified and played back. Associating each pattern with input keys means you can easily play back and test multiple sequences.11 +{Coming soon} 12 12 13 -Flow Botics Studio wasused tocreate this appand includeshundredsof built-in componentsthat allow youtointerfaceyourPCtomanystandard computerperipherals and robotics components, andyou canquickly designnew components fornewhardware.asilycreatenew projects withcustom GUI screens,knobs, buttons, switches,etc. that willrunlivefrom within FlowBoticsStudio withoutneedingtoaitfor compilation,orexportas stand-aloneexecutablefiles. FlowBoticsStudioincludesapowerfulgraphics enginethatallowsyoutomakecustom graphicalobjects byusing standard bitmaps or by drawingyour ownshapesonthe screen. Usingthissystem,youcan build entirelycustominterfaceslikethisoneforyour projectsand integratephotographs,drawings, and graphs.13 +The LSS FlowArm application was created using FlowBotics Studio software and is intended to allow easy control of the standard configuration Lynxmotion Servo Erector Set (S.E.S.) v2 articulated robotic arm. The graphical interface shows a side and top view of the arm, as well as the gripper and wrist. The full-featured built-in sequencer allows you create sequences which have the arm move automatically from one position ("frame") to the next. 14 14 15 + 16 +FlowBotics Studio includes hundreds of built-in components that allow you to interface your PC to many of the standard computer peripherals and you can quickly create new components for new hardware. You can also easily create new projects with custom GUI screens, knobs, buttons, switches, etc. that will run live from within FlowBotics Studio without needing to wait for compilation. 17 + 18 +The FlowBotics Studio programming language includes a powerful graphics engine that allows you to make custom graphical objects by using standard bitmaps or by drawing your own shapes on the screen. Using this system, you can build entirely custom interfaces for your projects and integrate photographs, drawings, and graphs. 19 + 15 15 = Features = 16 16 17 17 * Graphical interface for the Lynxmotion SES V2 articulated robot arm ... ... @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ 19 19 * Teach mode allows the user to move the arm and have the virtual arm follow 20 20 * Position the arm using rectangular or cylindrical coordinates, virtual joysticks or mouse drag 21 21 * Application can be modified via FlowBotics Studio 22 -* Optional data log shows what commands are sent and received and can be saved as a .csv file. 23 23 * LSS FlowArm is intended only for Windows operating systems 7 or higher. 24 24 25 25 = Initial Setup = ... ... @@ -28,31 +28,20 @@ 28 28 29 29 Before assembling the arm, each of the IDs assigned to the servos must correspond with what is needed in the software. 30 30 31 -{{lightbox image="" width="350"/}} 35 +* Base: 1 36 +* Shoulder: 2 37 +* Elbow: 3 38 +* Wrist: 4 39 +* Gripper: 5 32 32 33 33 To do so, the [[LSS Configuration Software>>doc:lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-configuration-software.WebHome]] is used. Follow the procedure outlined here: [[doc:lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-configuration-software.lss-config-configure-ids.WebHome]] 34 34 43 +Important note: The software does not take into consideration if a servo has been improperly assembled. If you see that your arm moves differently than the arm on screen, be sure to check the following: 44 + 35 35 * Servo ID is correctly assigned to each servo and there are no duplicate IDs 36 36 * Servos have been assembled in correct orientation (as per assembly manual) 37 37 * Servo offsets have been updated if necessary (see procedure below). 38 38 39 -== Connecting via USB == 40 - 41 -The simplest way to connect is directly using the [[LSS-Adapter>>]] (or any RS232 to USB interface). Here are the steps you need to follow in order to set this up. Follow the steps below: 42 - 43 -1. Connect the USB cable to the LSS Adapter board on your robot 44 -1. Plug the USB connector into the PC 45 -1. Connect your LSS to the LSS-Adapter with the Lynxmotion cable 46 -1. Connect the power to the LSS Adapter via the yellow XT60 plug 47 -1. Power on the robot (On/Off switch) 48 -1. Start the LSS FlowArm software 49 -1. Select the appropriate COM port from the drop-down list 50 -1. The software sends a query to servo ID1 and once a reply is received, it determines connection has been established. 51 - 52 -== Connecting via Bluetooth == 53 - 54 -If you have purchased a Bluetooth module which is in XBee format, ensure to have the right baudrate on your bluetooth adapter, the default is 115 200 for the LSS. 55 - 56 56 = Interface = 57 57 58 58 == Header == ... ... @@ -61,100 +61,90 @@ 61 61 62 62 **STORE OFFSETS** 63 63 64 - The "STORE OFFSETS" button configuresshown below (with the gripper closed), and only then click the STORE OFFSETS button.57 +During the assembly process, if the servo's driving output horn was not rotated (they are shipped with the servo driving horn centered at 0 degrees), and was connected to the brackets at the correct angle (parallel or perpendicular depending on the servo being assembled), there should not be any significant servo offset needed and the arm should match what is displayed on screen. However, should the driving horn have rotated and/or the brackets were not connected at optimal angles, the "STORE OFFSETS" button configures the all of the servo offsets (this makes use of the CO command as part of the [[LSS Communication Protocol>>doc:lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-communication-protocol.WebHome]]). Before pressing the button, be sure to orient the arm as follows (with the gripper closed), and only then click the STORE OFFSETS button. 65 65 66 -* Base servo aligned with the x axis 67 -* Shoulder to elbow along z axis (straight up) 68 -* Elbow to wrist along R axis (horizontal at 90 degrees to shoulder to elbow) 69 -* Wrist servo along R axis (parallel to elbow to wrist) 70 -* Gripper servo closed 71 - 72 72 [[image:lss-flowarm-offsets.jpg]] 73 73 74 74 **LIMP** 75 75 76 -Causes all servos to immediatelygo LIMP (i.e. lose torque). The arm will collapse.It's important to note that the software will not constantly query all servos for their position, and as such the virtual arm on screen will not update frequently if at all. If you want the virtual arm on screen to update as you move the real arm, use TEACH mode described below.63 +Causes all servos to go LIMP (i.e. lose torque). The arm will collapse. 77 77 65 +Important note: The software will not constantly query all servos for their position, and as such the virtual arm on screen will not update. If you want the arm on screen to update, use the TEACH mode described below. 66 + 78 78 **STOP** 79 79 80 -Causes all servos to immediatelystop their motion and hold their position.69 +Causes all servos to stop their motion and hold their position. 81 81 82 82 **TEACH** 83 83 84 -Teach mode allows a user to physically move the arm sequences,determine theoptimal closed position for the gripper etc. In order to ensure the arm does not collapse, pressing the TEACH button will start a 5 second countdown during which the arm will slowly lose torque(angular force) until all servos are limp.When in teach mode, an orange outline appears over all on-screen fields which would cause a conflict and therefore cannot be used.73 +Teach mode allows a user to physically move the arm to a designed locations and have the virtual arm on screen follow. This is used primarily to manually add frames to the sequence. 85 85 86 - CAREFUL: Donotmove theservosor the armtooquickly. Wesuggest holding thegripper servo tomovethe arm,ortemporarilyremovingthearm's aestheticshell.75 +In order to ensure the arm does not collapse, pressing the TEACH button will start a 5 second countdown during which the arm will slowly lose torque (angular force) until all servos are limp. 87 87 88 - Once thearmislimp, itcanbemovedphysically, andthe application willregularly sendpositionquerycommandstoall of theservosand update the virtualarmonto match theervo'sresponses. Use the sequencertorecord eachposition(frame) whilein teachmode. For more informationonthesequencer, refertohesequencersection below.77 +When in teach mode, an orange outline appears over all on-screen fields which would cause a conflict and therefore cannot be used. 89 89 90 - **GRID/Units**79 +CAREFUL: Do not move the servos too quickly. We suggest moving the gripper servo, or temporarily removing the aesthetic shell. 91 91 92 - Gridspacingcan betoggledbetweenMetricorImperial.Optionsinclude2cm,3cm,5cmand1in,2inand3in.81 +Once the arm is limp, it can be moved physically, and the application will regularly read the physical position of each of the servos and move the virtual arm on screen to match. 93 93 94 - **BAUD**83 +Use the sequencer to save each position (frame). Intermediate frames can be added as needed. For more information on the sequencer, refer to the sequencer section below. 95 95 96 -The default (and suggested) baud rate is 115200, which is the baud rate at which the servos are shipped. Should a user have changed the baud rate on the servos, it can be selected using the drop down. Note that the baud rate must be configured to the same value for all servos in order to work. 97 97 98 -** COM**86 +**GRID / Units** 99 99 100 - Whenthe softwareis opened, a scan of all of your computer'sCOM ports is done automatically anda list of all availableCOM ports will be found in the drop down menu, alongwith OFF (stop searchingfor a COM port), and AUTO (the application tries to automatically findthe correct COM portby sending a query command atthe corresponding BAUD rate). Selectwhich of your computer's COM ports is connected to the [[LSS Adapter>>]](which is provided with the standard SES v2 articulated robot arm). If you have a list of available COMports and areunsure which is associated with the LSS Adapter, go to DeviceManager in Windows, and view the list of USB devices connected. The LSS Adapteruses an FTDIUSB to serial chip. Alternatively, simply unplug theUSB from the arm and see which of the COM ports disappears from thelist.88 +Units can be toggled between Metric or Imperial 101 101 102 -* If the red and green lights next to the field are flashing, the correct COM port has not yet been found, and the user may need to manually select the correct COM port. 103 -* If the red light is solid, then no correct COM port has been located. 104 -* If the green light is solid, the a COM port has been located. 90 +**BAUD** 105 105 106 - **WindowSize**92 +The baud rate suggested is 115200, which is the default baud rate of the servos. Should a user have changed the baud rate on the servos, it can be selcted using the drop down. Note that the baud rate must be configured to the same value for all servos in order to work. 107 107 108 -** [[image:lss-flowarm-size.jpg]]**94 +**COM** 109 109 110 - A the top right ofthe window,thereare threedarkrectanglesallowingyou to changeapplication'swindowsize.96 +This field selects which of your computer's COM ports is connected to the LSS Adapter, which is provided with the standard SES v2 articulated robot arm. Be sure to select the appropriate COM port to which the LSS adapter is connected. If you are unsure, go to Device Manager in Windows, and view the list of USB devices connected. The LSS Adapter uses an FTDI USB to serial chip. 111 111 112 - ==Simulator==98 +When the software is opened, a scan of all COM ports is done automatically and list of all available COM ports will be found in the drop down menu, along with OFF (stop searching for a COM port), and AUTO (the application tries to automatically find the correct COM port by sending a query command at the corresponding BAUD rate). 113 113 114 -(% class="wikigeneratedid" id="HArmConfiguration" %) 115 -The arm shown on screen is based on the assembly guide. The aesthetics of the arms will be changing for the next release version of the LSS Flowarm software. 100 +If the red and green lights next to the field are flashing, the correct COM port has not yet been found, and the user may need to manually select the correct CIM port. 116 116 117 - **SideView**102 +If the red light is solid, then no correct COM port has been located. 118 118 119 - The leftview is a representation of thearm, where the orange circles representthelocation of eachaxis of rotation.You can movethe arminthisviewby clickingonand draggingthewrist rotation servo.104 +If the green light is solid, the a COM port has been located. 120 120 121 - [[image:lss-flowarm-side-view.jpg]]106 +**Window Size** 122 122 123 -** Top View**108 +**[[image:lss-flowarm-size.jpg]]** 124 124 125 - The topview showsthearm topdown.You can movethe armwithin this viewbyclickingon and dragging the wrist rotation servo.110 +A the top right of the window, there are three dark rectangles representing the window size. 126 126 127 - **[[image:lss-flowarm-top-view.jpg]]**112 +== 2D Views & Grid == 128 128 129 -== =Shortcuts===114 +== Arm Configuration == 130 130 131 - **Base**: Ifyouhold theSHIFTkeywhiledraggingwiththemouseyou can controlbaserotation.116 +The arm shown on screen is based on the assembly guide. BETA testers have been encouraged to use the 3:1 gear ratio in the shoulder and as such should have toggled switch 1 in the header. 132 132 133 - **WristTilt**: Youcantiltthe hand by right-clickingandfraggingthemouseupanddown.118 +The aesthetics of the arms will be changing for the final / release version of the LSS Flowarm software. 134 134 135 -** Gripper:** By holding theCTRL key whilst right-clicking and dragging you can open and close the gripper120 +**Side View** 136 136 137 - Justabovethesequencer, you can findthefollowing:122 +[[image:lss-flowarm-side-view.jpg]] 138 138 139 - [[image:lss-flowarm-keyboard-liveupdate.jpg]]124 +The left view is a representation {more to come| 140 140 141 -** Keyboard: **When active (orange), the keyboard keys W/A/S/D and four arrows can fine tune thepositionof the arm. Note however that LSS FlowArm will respond to any of these keys being pressed even in anotherwindow, and for this reason, it is turned off by default.126 +**Top View** 142 142 143 -** Live Update: **When activate (orange), dragging the virtualarm onscreen willsend updated positions to thearmwith a small time delay in between. With thisoption off, dragging thearm on screenwill not cause any motion until the mouse is released.128 +**[[image:lss-flowarm-top-view.jpg]]** 144 144 130 +The top view shows the arm {more to come} 131 + 145 145 == Left Menu == 146 146 147 147 **Gripper** 148 148 149 -Assuming the gripper has been properly calibrated, The number below represents the opening at the tip. Fully closed should correspond to 0 degrees. In order to grasp an object, DO NOT have the servo rotate to a position which it cannot reach. In order to ensure the gripper servo does not go into error mode, the gripper should not exert much force on the object.136 +Assuming the gripper has been properly calibrated, The number below represents the opening at the tip. 150 150 151 -1. Close the gripper to a position just slightly larger than the object 152 -1. Using the arrows, close the gripper until friction between the foam and the object prevent the object from falling out or moving. 153 -1. DO NOT apply too much pressure, or else the servo's current will spike and it will go into error mode and need to be reset. 154 -1. Use the last position as the "fully closed" position for the gripper for that object, in that specific orientation. 155 - 156 156 [[image:lss-flowarm-gripper-view.jpg]] 157 157 140 + 158 158 **Wrist** 159 159 160 160 The wrist angle can be locked or unlocked. The field allows for user input (click the numbers) or fine adjustments using the arrows. ... ... @@ -163,172 +163,42 @@ 163 163 164 164 **End Effector Position** 165 165 166 -The position of the end effector can be controlled either by manually entering the information for R (radius), or the Cartesian x, y, z coordinates, or using the arrows. 167 - 168 -When in keyboard mode, there is an overlay indicating which keys do what motion. 169 - 170 170 [[image:lss-flowarm-positioning.jpg]] 171 171 172 - ==**DataLog**==151 +The position of the end effector can be controlled either by manually entering the information for R (radius), or x,y,z coordinate, or using the arrows. 173 173 174 - The optionalDatalog(normally hidden) can be toggled on or off and allows the user to see all commands being sent to and received from the smart servos. The data can be saved to a file in a Comma Separated Values (.csv) format.153 +Data Log 175 175 176 176 [[image:lss-flowarm-data-log.jpg]] 177 177 178 - =Sequencer=157 +The console will be used as a serial command interface to manually send commands to the bus. 179 179 159 +== Sequencer == 160 + 180 180 [[image:lss-flowarm-sequencer.jpg]] 181 181 182 -LSS FlowArm has a powerful pattern sequencer component (normally found only in the full version of FlowBotics Studio) that is used to create reusable patterns within minutes, instead of hours or days. 163 +LSS FlowArm has a powerful pattern sequencer component (normally found only in the full version of FlowBotics Studio) that is used to create reusable patterns within minutes, instead of hours or days. The sequencer also allows you to vary the speed of playback of a routine. From left to right: 183 183 184 184 (% style="width:1303px" %) 185 -|(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-association.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Assign Input|(% style="width:758px" %)Patterns can be associated to keyboard keys F1 to F12, and keys E, F, G, and H 186 -|(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-pattern-list.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Sequence List|(% style="width:758px" %)The sequence list is the first control on the sequencer. 187 -|(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-patterns.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Sequence Management|(% style="width:758px" %)((( 188 -Add, remove, duplicate, save, load and clear all patterns. 189 -))) 166 +|(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-association.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Keyboard Association|(% style="width:758px" %)Patterns can be associated to keyboard keys F1 to F12, and keys E, F, G, and H 167 +|(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-pattern-list.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Active Pattern Name|(% style="width:758px" %)Click on the text to change the pattern name. Use the arrows to navigate between patterns 168 +|(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-patterns.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Pattern Options|(% style="width:758px" %)Add, remove, copy, save, open and delete patterns. 190 190 |(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-frames.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Frame Options|(% style="width:758px" %)Adding a frame adds a blank frame to the list. The drop-down list gives "useful" pre-made frames. Recording a frame copies the arm's current on-screen position. The X removes a selected frame. 191 191 |(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-copy-paste.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Copy / Paste Frame|(% style="width:758px" %)Copy and paste a frame 192 -|(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-settings.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %) Operations /Settings|(% style="width:758px" %)Useful features include: Toggle pause before frame; Remove gaps between frames; Reverse frames193 -|(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-lock.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Lock |(% style="width:758px" %) Timelinelocking171 +|(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-settings.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Settings|(% style="width:758px" %)Useful features include: Toggle pause before frame; Remove gaps between frames; Reverse frames 172 +|(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-lock.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Lock |(% style="width:758px" %) 194 194 |(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-loop.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Repeat / Loop Pattern|(% style="width:758px" %)Play once or loop; Set the playback speed using the up and down arrows. 195 -|(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-play.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %) SequencePlayback|(% style="width:758px" %)Restart sequence, play or stop174 +|(% style="width:257px" %)[[image:lss-flowarm-play.jpg]]|(% style="width:306px" %)Playback Options|(% style="width:758px" %)Restart sequence, play or stop 196 196 197 -**Sequences** 198 198 199 - The sequencer allows you to make your robot move over time by transitioningfrom oneposition to another. Each transition we call aframe and a sequenceof frameswe call a sequence. You can create asmany sequences as you like. You can playsequencesback manuallyor using the keyboardinputs mentioned below. This section describes the sequence managementfunctions of theSequencer.177 +[[image:lss-flowarm-keyboard-liveupdate.jpg]] 200 200 201 - **SequenceList**179 += Downloads = 202 202 203 - [[image:lss-flowarm-pattern-list.jpg]]181 +Download LSS Flowarm [[here>>]]. 204 204 205 - Thesequence list is the first control on the sequencer. If you click on the arrown theright-handedge you'll see a list of the sequences that havebeen createdand by selecting one you can move to that sequence. You can also scroll through the list one-by-one using the up and down arrow buttons. Clicking on the name of a sequence will allow you to change this. Simply type in the box then press the Return key or click away.183 +Password: beta 206 206 207 - ==SequenceManagement==185 +BETA: Note that information described here is subject to change, and is available for BETA testers. 208 208 209 -[[image:lss-flowarm-patterns.jpg]] 210 - 211 -**Add a Sequence** 212 - 213 -To add a sequence click the add button. A new sequence will appear in the list and its name will open for editing. 214 - 215 -**Remove a Sequence** 216 - 217 -Click the remove sequence button to delete the currently selected sequence from the list. This action is irreversible so you will be asked for confirmation. 218 - 219 -**Duplicate a Sequence** 220 - 221 -If you want to make a new sequence based on an existing one then you can duplicate it. 222 - 223 -**Saving Sequences** 224 - 225 -IMPORTANT: If you want to keep any sequences you create then you must export them otherwise they will be lost when you return to the project browser. 226 -To do this click the export button. You can choose whether to export all your sequences or just the currently selected one. Sequences are saved to files so you'll need to pick a filename and folder to save to. If a sequence uses sub sequences these will be saved even if you choose only to save the selected sequence. 227 - 228 -**Loading Sequences** 229 - 230 -If you have saved sequences that you want to restore then click the Import button. You will be asked to choose a previously saved sequence file. 231 -The sequences in the file will be added to the list. They do not replace the sequence list. Also it doesn't 232 -matter how many sequences the file contains, all of them will be imported. 233 - 234 -**Clear All Sequences** 235 - 236 -If you want to start from scratch you can clear all the sequences from the list using the clear all button. 237 - 238 -== **Frames** == 239 - 240 -**[[image:lss-flowarm-frame.jpg]]** 241 - 242 -We now know how to manage sequences now lets see how you build one. As we said earlier a sequence is made up of frames. A frame represents a transition between robot states over time. 243 -In addition to frames, you can also add other sequences to a sequence. This allows quite complex series of movements to be built up very quickly and easily. 244 - 245 -[[image:lss-flowarm-frames.jpg]] 246 - 247 -**Adding Frames** 248 - 249 -To add a frame click the Add button. A new frame will be added at the end of the sequence. The duration of the frame will be whatever the last frame duration was. The frame will record whatever position the robot is currently set to. You can add a sub sequence to the sequence by clicking the arrow to the right of the Add button. A drop list of the available sequences will appear. Select one and it will be added to the end of the sequence. 250 - 251 -**Recording to a Frame** 252 - 253 -When you add a frame it will record the state that the robot is currently in. If you want to change this state first select the frame by clicking on it. Next move the robot to the position you want to record. When you're happy press the record button. The frame will flash to indicate that it has been updated. 254 - 255 -**Deleting Frames** 256 - 257 -To delete a sequence or frame from a sequence, click the Delete button. 258 - 259 -**Naming Frames** 260 - 261 -To name a frame, simply double-click the top blue part of it. You will then be able to enter a name by typing text directly. Save the new name by pressing the [Enter] key once donce. Warning: please note that when double-clicking a frame to name it, it will play the frame which may move your robotic arm suddenly. You may want to activate the STOP button first to prevent movement when naming frames. 262 - 263 -**Timeline Locking** 264 - 265 -[[image:lss-flowarm-lock.jpg]] 266 - 267 -The timeline is locked by default. This means that frames will automatically run from one to the next – you cannot create space in between. Moving a frame past another one will move it along the order in the timeline. If the timeline is unlocked then you can move frames independently of each other and also create gaps of time in between. 268 - 269 -**Moving and Resizing** 270 - 271 -To move a frame on the timeline, simply click on it and drag it to the time you want it to start. The start time will be displayed as you drag. How frames move relative to each other is determined by whether the timeline is locked (see previous section). To resize a frame grab the right-hand edge and drag it. When moving or resizing the mouse snaps to the nearest unit on the timeline. If you hold SHIFT while moving or resizing no snap will be applied. When the timeline is unlocked then if you hold CTRL while dragging or resizing a frame all frames to 272 -the right of the selected frame will be moved so that the time interval between the selected frame and the next one is maintained. 273 - 274 -**Auto Record** 275 - 276 -If you want changes you make to be automatically recorded you can lock the record button in place by double-clicking on it. Now whenever you change the robot position the currently elected frame will be updated. The record button will light up to show that auto record is on. To switch auto record off, double-click on the record button again. 277 - 278 -**Copy and Paste** 279 - 280 -[[image:lss-flowarm-copy-paste.jpg]] 281 - 282 -Sometimes you might want to copy the robot state from one frame to another. To do this we have copy and paste. To copy the data from a frame, select it then click the Copy button. 283 -To duplicate the data on another frame, select the target frame and click the Paste button. 284 - 285 -**Pause Before Frame** 286 - 287 -You can insert a pause before a frame commences. This is useful if you want the sequencer to stop and wait for some external event before continuing. First select the frame then click the Operations button and select Toggle Pause Before Frame. A red line will show at the start of the frame to show the pause. To remove the pause select the frame again and select Toggle Pause Before Frame after clicking on the Operations button. 288 - 289 -**Remove Gaps Between Frames** 290 - 291 -[[image:lss-flowarm-settings.jpg]] 292 - 293 -If the timeline is unlocked then you can instantly remove all the gaps between frames and push them up against each other by clicking the Operations button and choosing Remove Gaps Between Frames from the menu. 294 - 295 -== Sequencer == 296 - 297 -**Reverse Frames** 298 - 299 -[[image:lss-flowarm-settings.jpg]] 300 - 301 -It's useful to be able to reverse the order of frames in a sequence. To do this click the Operations button and choose Reverse Frames. 302 - 303 -**Sequence Playback** 304 - 305 -[[image:lss-flowarm-play.jpg]] 306 - 307 -Once you have some frames in a sequence you can try playing it. Click the Play button to start the sequencer playing the current sequence. The play button lights up in green when the sequencer is playing. To stop playing click the Play button again or click the Stop button. You can reset the play position to the star by clicking the Reset button. You can also move the play position manually. Click on the black handle at the top of the playback position line and drag to move it. 308 - 309 -[[image:lss-sequencer-handle.jpg||height="70" width="241"]] 310 - 311 -**Assign an input to a sequence** 312 - 313 -[[image:lss-flowarm-association.jpg]] 314 - 315 -You can assign an input to a sequence by choosing one in the drop-down list left of the sequence name. By default a sequence does not have a input associated with it. When you click on that box, you will be presented with a list of possible inputs. A sequence can only have one input associated with it. Similarly, an input can only be associated with one sequence at a time. If you choose an input in the list that is already associated, it will be removed from its previous sequence and assigned to the current one. By clicking on the sequence list, you will see which input is associated to each sequence to the right of their name: 316 -If a sequence is already playing when its associated input is triggered, it will ignore that input and continue playing as normal. If an input that is associated is triggered when a different sequence is playing, it will be stopped and the 317 - 318 -**Decision Frame** 319 - 320 -**[[image:lss-flowarm-decision-frame.jpg]]** 321 - 322 -At the end of every sequence there is a permanent frame called the decision frame (it is orange for easy identification). Click on the top part (orange) to change the last action of the sequence. There are 3 options: 323 - 324 -* STOP: once the sequence is completed, nothing else will happen 325 -* LOOP: once the sequence is completed, it will repeat a set amount of time 326 -* GOTO: once the sequence is completed, it will trigger the input selected 327 - 328 -If another sequence is associated with that input, it will then play Playback Control. You can change the speed of playback by changing the speed multiplier. Click the up and down arrows to alter this. Normally a sequence plays to the end then stops. However, sometimes you want a sequence to repeat. You can toggle this by clicking the Loop button. 329 - 330 -= Troubleshooting = 331 - 332 -If you encounter any bugs or issues when installing or using the LSS FlowArm application, please submit a new post on the Lynxmotion community sub-forum here: [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] 333 - 334 334 {Work in progress}
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- lss-sequencer-handle.jpg
- Author
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,0 @@ 1 -xwiki:XWiki.CBenson - Size
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,0 @@ 1 -11.2 KB - Content
- wiki-download.png
- Author
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ 1 +xwiki:XWiki.CBenson - Size
... ... @@ -1,0 +1,1 @@ 1 +3.9 KB - Content