Wiki source code of AL5A Arm

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2024/07/03 09:21

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Eric Nantel 18.1 1 [[image:al5a.jpg||queryString="width=350" alt="Lynxmotion AL5A Arm" width="350"]]
Eric Nantel 5.2 2
Eric Nantel 9.1 3 [[[[image:[email protected]||alt="Buy Online"]]>>||rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"]]
Eric Nantel 5.2 4
5 **Table of Contents**
7 {{toc/}}
9 = Description =
Eric Nantel 40.1 11 (% style="width:800px" %)
12 |(((
13 **About the Robot Arm**
Eric Nantel 51.1 14
Eric Nantel 40.1 15 The AL5A robotic arm delivers fast, accurate, and repeatable movement. The robot features: base rotation, single plane shoulder, elbow, wrist motion, a functional gripper, and optional wrist rotate. The AL5A robotic arm is an affordable system with a time tested rock solid design that will last and last. Everything needed to assemble and operate the robot is included in the kit, with several different software control options.
Eric Nantel 5.2 16
Eric Nantel 40.1 17 Note that we have tested the arm to hold at most <4oz at full reach without any additional products such as the wrist rotate upgrade installed on the arm (which decreases the payload). The lift capacity increases as the load is closer to the base, but depends on the configuration of the arm.
19 **The Mechanics**
Eric Nantel 51.1 20
Eric Nantel 40.1 21 The aluminum robotic arm is made from our Servo Erector Set components for the ultimate in flexibility and expandability. The kit consists of black anodized aluminum brackets, Aluminum tubing and hubs, custom injection molded components, and precision laser-cut Lexan components. The arm uses 1 x HS-422 in the base, 1 x HS-755HB in the shoulder, 1 x HS-645MG in the elbow, 1 x HS-422 in the wrist, and 1 x HS-422 in the gripper.
23 **Arm Control Options**
Eric Nantel 51.1 24
Eric Nantel 40.1 25 We now have arm control options. They each have their own unique operating methodology and feature sets.
27 * [[FlowBotics Studio>>doc:ses-software.flowbotics.WebHome]] is an easy to use graphical program which allows you to easily get your AL5 robot up and running without the need to create code. Use the software to manipulate the real arm using the virtual arm, and create, record and play back your own sequences. Software allows for wrist rotation and additional servos.
28 * [[FlowArm PLTW>>doc:ses-software.flowarm-pltw.WebHome]] provides a graphical interface for controlling the AL5A, AL5 and AL5D arms. You can also create and save sequences. It is a stand-alone .exe program which was created using FlowBotics Studio.
29 * [[SSC-32 Servo Sequencer Utility>>doc:ses-software.ssc-32-sequencer.WebHome]]: a free interface which gives you control over each servo and allows you to create sequences.
30 * Alternately the servo motors can be controlled directly from a microcontroller. We sell the arm without electronics for this purpose.
32 **Important!**
Eric Nantel 51.1 33
Eric Nantel 40.1 34 To keep costs down we are not providing printed Assembly Guides. They are provided online, so you will need to print them when you order the kits. By providing the Assembly Guides online we can provide more detailed and up to date information than the old hardcopy method allowed.
35 )))
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Eric Nantel 50.1 38 |{{lightbox image="al5a01.jpg"/}}|{{lightbox image="gripnr.jpg"/}}|{{lightbox image="griplw.jpg"/}}|{{lightbox image="armbase.jpg"/}}|{{lightbox image="griphd.jpg"/}}
Eric Nantel 40.1 39
Eric Nantel 5.2 40 = User Guide =
Eric Nantel 56.1 42 **General**
44 * [[Polycarbonate Information Page>>doc:support.polycarbonate-info-page.WebHome]]
45 * [[]]
46 * [[]]
47 * [[]]
49 **AL5A Information**
Eric Nantel 62.1 51 * [[Arm Base Assembly Guide v2.1>>]]
Eric Nantel 67.1 52 ** [[Optional - Heavy Duty Metal Arm Base Assembly>>]]
Eric Nantel 61.1 53 * [[AL5A Arm Assembly Instructions Rev. 2.1>>]]
Eric Nantel 69.1 54 * [[Light-Weight Wrist Rotate Assembly Guide>>]]
Eric Nantel 70.1 55 ** [[Optional - Medium-Duty Wrist Rotate Assembly Guide>>]]
Eric Nantel 68.1 56 ** [[Optional - Heavy-Duty Wrist Rotate Assembly Guide>>]]
Eric Nantel 63.1 57 * [[Arm Gripper FSR Assembly Guide>>]]
Eric Nantel 71.1 58 ** [[Optional - Pneumatic Syringe Assembly Instructions>>]]
Eric Nantel 74.1 59 ** [[Optional - Vaccuum Gripper Wrist Rotate Assembly Guide>>]]
Eric Nantel 66.1 60 ** [[Optional - Gripper Assembly Instructions>>]]
Eric Nantel 60.1 61 * [[AL5 Programming Tutorial - PS2 & BotBoarduino>>]]
Eric Nantel 53.1 62 * [[Example code>>]] for AL5 arms using Arduino sketches with BotBoarduino
Eric Nantel 56.1 63 * [[Parts & Specs of the arm (image)>>attach:al5abd.jpg]]
Eric Nantel 5.2 64
Eric Nantel 56.1 65 **Additional Information**
Eric Nantel 33.1 66
Eric Nantel 55.2 67 * [[doc:support.basic-atom-pro-programming.WebHome]]
68 * [[doc:support.basic-micro-studio-programming.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 59.1 69 * [[AL5 Programming Tutorial - PS2 & BotBoard II>>]]
Eric Nantel 58.1 70 * [[]]
Eric Nantel 34.1 71 * [[A4WD1 & AL5 Arm Tutorial for PS2 Control>>doc:wheeled-tracked.a4wd1-al5-arm-for-ps2.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 64.1 72 * [[]]
Eric Nantel 65.1 73 * [[]]
Eric Nantel 73.1 74 * [[]]
Eric Nantel 72.1 75 * [[Configuring RIOS for the AL5 Series Robot Arms>>]]
Eric Nantel 33.1 76 * [[Users Manual for arms using SSC-32 and RIOS v1.06>>attach:[email protected]]]

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