Wiki source code of 04 - V1 Rovers & Sumo

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2024/07/03 11:17

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Eric Nantel 39.1 1 = **Wheeled Rovers** =
Eric Nantel 7.2 2
Eric Nantel 39.1 3 |(% style="width:200px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(((
Eric Nantel 8.1 4 A4WD1 Rover
Eric Nantel 7.2 5
Eric Nantel 9.1 6 The Lynxmotion Aluminum 4WD1 Robot Kit is a robust, modifiable, and expandable chassis for your RC or autonomous robot experimentation. By utilizing popular RC truck tires and wheels the robot has excellent traction.
8 * [[doc:.a4wd1.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 7.2 9 )))|(% style="width:55px" %)
Eric Nantel 10.1 10 |(% style="width:150px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(((
11 **A4WD2 Rover**
13 The Lynxmotion Aluminum A4WD2 Robot Kit is a robust, modifiable, and expandable chassis for your RC or autonomous robot experimentation. By utilizing popular RC truck tires and wheels the robot has excellent traction.
15 * [[doc:.2wd1.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 7.2 16 )))|(% style="width:55px" %)
Eric Nantel 10.1 17 |(% style="width:150px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(((
18 **A6WD2 Rover**
20 The Lynxmotion Aluminum A6WD2 Robot Kit is a robust, modifiable, and expandable chassis for your RC or autonomous robot experimentation. By utilizing popular RC truck tires and wheels the robot has excellent traction.
22 * [[doc:.a6wd2.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 7.2 23 )))|(% style="width:55px" %)
Eric Nantel 10.1 24 |(% style="width:150px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(((
25 **A2WD1 Rover**
27 The Lynxmotion Aluminum 2WD Servo Robot Kit is a robust, modifiable, and expandable chassis for your RC or autonomous robot experimentation. By utilizing plastic wheels with rubber rim, robot has excellent traction.
29 * [[doc:.2wd1.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 7.2 30 )))|(% style="width:55px" %)
Eric Nantel 13.1 31
Eric Nantel 18.2 32 = (% style="color:inherit; font-family:inherit" %)Tracked Rovers(%%) =
Eric Nantel 14.1 33
Eric Nantel 15.1 34 |(% style="width:150px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(((
Eric Nantel 18.2 35 **Modular Track System (MTS)**
Eric Nantel 15.1 36
Eric Nantel 21.1 37 After spending months searching for a decent track system, we gave up and decided to make our own. These polypropylene / rubber tracks are perfect for your small robot project. They are rugged, lightweight, reliable.
Eric Nantel 13.1 38
Eric Nantel 18.2 39 * [[doc:.mts-system.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 15.1 40 )))|(% style="width:55px" %)
Eric Nantel 20.1 41 |(% style="width:150px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(((
Eric Nantel 19.1 42 **A4WD1 MTS Rover**
Eric Nantel 15.1 43
Eric Nantel 21.1 44 The Lynxmotion Aluminum 4WD1 MTS Robot Kit is a robust, modifiable, and expandable chassis for your RC or autonomous robot experimentation.
Eric Nantel 19.1 45
46 * [[doc:.a4wd1-mts.WebHome]]
47 )))|(% style="width:55px" %)
Eric Nantel 20.1 48 |(% style="width:150px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(((
Eric Nantel 19.1 49 **Tri-Track Rover**
Eric Nantel 21.1 51 The Lynxmotion Tri-Track Robot Kit is a robust chassis for your RC or autonomous robot experimentation. The robot is designed for indoor or outdoor use and performs well on many different surfaces.
Eric Nantel 19.1 52
53 * [[doc:.tri-track.WebHome]]
54 )))|(% style="width:55px" %)
Eric Nantel 20.1 55 |(% style="width:150px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(((
Eric Nantel 19.1 56 **Johnny 5 Rover**
Eric Nantel 21.1 58 The Lynxmotion Johnny 5 Robot Kit is a very cool and completely functional model of the ever popular movie robot. The kit is available as a full Johnny 5 combo kit, or just the torso and rotating base to be added to a different style base.
Eric Nantel 19.1 59
60 * [[doc:.johnny-5.WebHome]]
61 )))|(% style="width:55px" %)
Eric Nantel 13.1 63 = Sumo =
Eric Nantel 15.1 64
Eric Nantel 22.1 65 |(% style="width:150px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(((
Eric Nantel 22.4 66 **2WD Viper Sumo v2**
Eric Nantel 22.3 67
Eric Nantel 22.4 68
69 * (((
70 [[doc:.2wd-viper-v2.WebHome]]
71 )))
Eric Nantel 15.1 72 )))|(% style="width:55px" %)
Eric Nantel 25.1 73 |(% style="width:150px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(((
Eric Nantel 22.4 74 **4WD Terminator Sumo**
Eric Nantel 22.3 75
Eric Nantel 22.4 76
77 * (((
78 [[doc:.4wd-terminator.WebHome]]
79 )))
Eric Nantel 17.1 80 )))|(% style="width:55px" %)
Eric Nantel 24.1 81 |(% style="width:150px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(((
Eric Nantel 22.3 82 **6WD Predator Sumo**
85 * (((
86 [[doc:.6wd-predator.WebHome]]
87 )))
Eric Nantel 17.1 88 )))|(% style="width:55px" %)
Eric Nantel 22.2 89 |(% style="width:150px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(((
90 **6WD Stomper v2 Sumo**
Eric Nantel 18.1 93 * [[doc:wheeled-tracked.6wd-stomper-v2.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 17.1 94 )))|(% style="width:55px" %)

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