LSS - FlowArm

Version 5.1 by Coleman Benson on 2018/11/23 15:48

Download LSS Flowarm

BETA: Note that information described here is subject to change, and is available for BETA testers.


Servo IDs

In order for the arm to work correctly, each of the IDs assigned to the servos must correspond with what is needed in the software.

  • Base: 1
  • Shoulder: 2
  • Elbow: 3
  • Wrist: 4
  • Wrist rotate (optional): {Not connected}
  • Gripper: 5


Information {Not implemented}

The circular button with "i" in the middle is used to overlay useful information

Gear ratio

The gear ratio toggle (per servo) is implemented for BETA testers only.


The "Teach" button allows offsets to be stored and uploaded. Press the "Teach" button once, then move the arm physically to the same position as what is shown on screen. Press the "Store offsets" button to change the offsets.


Units can be toggled between Metric or Imperial


The baud rate suggested is 9600, though other (standard) baud rates can be used.


Be sure to select the appropriate COM port to which the LSS adapter is connected.

Window Size

A the top right, there are three dark rectangles representing the window size.

2D Views & Grid

Arm Configuration

The arm shown on screen is based on the assembly guide. BETA testers have been encouraged to use the 3:1 gear ratio in the shoulder and as such should have toggled switch 1 in the header.

The aesthetics of the arms will be changing for the final / release version of the LSS Flowarm software.

Left View

The left view is a representation {more to come|

Top View

The top view shows the arm {more to come}

Left Menu

Gripper & Wrist

The gripper and wrist rotate can be controlled from this menu

End Effector Position

The position of the end effector can be controlled either by manually entering the information for R (radius), or x,y,z coordinate, or using the arrows.

IO Information {Not implemented}

This section will be used to display sensor data from the LSS IO interface board

Console {Not implemented}

The console will be used as a serial command interface to manually send commands to the bus.


The sequencer allows the user to record sequences.


Created by Coleman Benson on 2018/11/23 12:27
Copyright RobotShop 2018