AL5 Programming Tutorial - PS2 & BotBoard II

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2024/07/03 09:20

AL5 Programming Tutorial - PS2 RC
Rev. 1.

Updated 01/11/2012

Safety first! Wear eye protection and never touch a powered robot!

The purpose of this guide is to set up the robot arm to be controlled via a Playstation 2 game controller. This can be done using a Bot Board II with Basic Atom Pro 28 with or without a SSC-32 and demonstrates both methods.

Note, the PS2 control programs have been verified to work with Lynxmotion wireless controllers. We cannot guarantee that non-Lynxmotion controllers will work.

What you'll need to get started:
  • Any of our AL5 arms
  • Bot Board II with Basic Atom Pro 28
  • SSC-32 (optional)
  • PS2 Controller and cable
  • 6" Servo Extender Cable

Image of arm.
Step 1. SSC-32 and Bot BoardII/Basic Atom Pro 28

To connect the Bot Board II to the SSC-32, you will need to modify a 6" servo extender cable. Remove the header pins from the cable so you have two female ends. Then use an exacto knife to gently pry the tab up to pull the red wire free on one end. Cover the exposed female connector with heat shrink to avoid accidental shorts.

Remove the TX and RX jumpers from the lower-right corner of the SSC-32, and plug the unmodified end of the cable in. Yellow on TX, red on RX, and black on ground.

Figure 1.
Step 2. SSC-32 and Bot BoardII/Basic Atom Pro 28
Wire the Bot Board II and SSC-32 as shown in the schematic and tables below. Make sure the jumpers are all correct. Install the boards as shown in Figure 2 after all connections are complete and have been checked.

Figure 2.
Step 3. SSC-32 and Bot BoardII/Basic Atom Pro 28
Configure the Bot Board as illustrated in Table 3-1. Configure the SSC-32 as illustrated in Table 3-2.

Bot Board II Jumpers
Connect 6.0vdc battery to VS
Enable Speaker
Connect I/O 4-7 Power Bus to 5vdc
Connect VL to SSC-32's VL
Bot Board II Connections
P0 N/A P8 N/A
P1 N/A P9 Speaker
P2 N/A P10 SSC-32 RX
P3 N/A P11 SSC-32 TX
P4 N/A P12 PS2 Data
P5 N/A P13 PS2 Command
P6 N/A P14 PS2 Select
P7 N/A P15 PS2 Clock

Table 3-1

SSC-32 Jumpers
Connect 6.0vdc battery to VS
Connect 9.0vdc battery to VL
Disconnect VL = VS1
Enable 115.2k baud
Connect VL to Bot Board's VL
SSC-32 Connections
P0 Base Rotate P3 Wrist
P1 Shoulder P4 Gripper
P2 Elbow P5 W Rotate

Table 3-2

Double check your connections against the schematic below.

Note: If your cable's colors do not match the diagram, you can find a complete listing of possible colors here.


Step 4. SSC-32 and Bot BoardII/Basic Atom Pro 28 Download and install Basic Micro Studio. Download the code for the arm here. Open the .bas file in Basic Micro Studio and locate the section referencing arm length constants. Remove the semicolons (remarks) from in front of the arm you are using. For example, if you are using an AL5D, the text should look like Table 4. The code is set to default to the AL5D arm. If you use another arm, be sure to add a semicolon before the AL5D line. Be sure that the USE_SSC-32 line is not commented out (as shown in the code snip.)

When you are finished, save your program and click "Program." Please consult the serial troubleshooting guide if you have difficulties with this. 

Arm Selection in Program

;[SETUP] ;disable(0)/enable(1) the FSR Gripper
EnableFSR con 0

USE_SSC32 con 1 ;Comment this line to use only the Bot Board

;Select Arm type
;NOTE: Enable only one arm!
;AL5A con 1
;AL5B con 1
;AL5C con 1
AL5D con 1

Table 4

Step 5. SSC-32 and Bot BoardII/Basic Atom Pro 28
Consult Table 5 for information on controlling the arm.

PS2 Controls
L Joy U Gripper Up R Joy U Gripper Angle Up
L Joy D Gripper Down R Joy D Gripper Angle Down
L Joy L Gripper Back R Joy L Base Rotate Left
L Joy R Gripper Away R Joy R Base Rotate Right
L1 Gripper Close R1 Wrist Rotate CW
L2 Gripper Open R2 Wrist Rotate CCW
L3 N/A R3 N/A
D-Pad U N/A Tri Center Wrist Rotate
D-Pad D N/A X Fully Open Gripper
D-Pad L N/A Squ N/A
D-Pad R N/A O N/A
Start Enable/Disable Arm Select N/A

Table 5

Step 1. Bot Board II/Basic Atom Pro 28
Install the Bot Board as shown in Figure 1. Wire the Bot Board II and SSC-32 as shown in the schematic and table below. Make sure the jumpers are all correct.

Figure 1.
Step 2. Bot Board II/Basic Atom Pro 28
Configure the Bot Board as illustrated in Table 2.
Bot Board II Jumpers
Connect 6.0vdc battery to VS
Connect 9.0vdc battery to VL
Enable Speaker
Connect I/O 0-3 Power Bus to VS
Connect I/O 4-7 Power Bus to VS
Connect I/O 12-15 Power Bus to 5V
Bot Board II Connections
P0 Base P8 N/A
P1 Shoulder P9 Speaker
P2 Elbow P10 N/A
P3 Wrist P11 N/A
P4 Gripper P12 PS2 Data
P5 Wrist Rotate P13 PS2 Command
P6 N/A P14 PS2 Select
P7 N/A P15 PS2 Clock
Table 2.

Double check your connections against the schematic below.

Note: If your cable's colors do not match the diagram, you can find a complete listing of possible colors here.


Step 3. Bot Board II/Basic Atom Pro 28
Download and install Basic Micro Studio
. Download the code for the arm here. Open the .bas file in Basic Micro Studio and locate the section referencing arm length constants. Remove the semicolons (remarks) from in front of the arm you are using. For example, if you are using an AL5D, the text should look like Table 3. The code is set to default to the AL5D arm. If you use another arm, be sure to add a semicolon before the AL5D line. Be sure that the USE_SSC-32 line is commented out (as shown in the code snip.)

When you are finished, save your program and click "Program." Please consult the serial troubleshooting guide if you have difficulties with this. 

Arm Selection in Program

;[SETUP] ;disable(0)/enable(1) the FSR Gripper
EnableFSR con 0

;USE_SSC32 con 1 ;Comment this line to use only the Bot Board

;Select Arm type
;NOTE: Enable only one arm!
;AL5A con 1
;AL5B con 1
;AL5C con 1
AL5D con 1

Table 3

Step 4. Bot Board II/Basic Atom Pro 28
Consult Table 4 for information on controlling the arm.

PS2 Controls
L Joy U Gripper Up R Joy U Gripper Angle Up
L Joy D Gripper Down R Joy D Gripper Angle Down
L Joy L Gripper Back R Joy L Base Rotate Left
L Joy R Gripper Away R Joy R Base Rotate Right
L1 Gripper Close R1 Wrist Rotate CW
L2 Gripper Open R2 Wrist Rotate CCW
L3 N/A R3 N/A
D-Pad U N/A Tri Center Wrist Rotate
D-Pad D N/A X Fully Open Gripper
D-Pad L N/A Squ N/A
D-Pad R N/A O N/A
Start Enable/Disable Arm Select N/A

Table 4

Created by Eric Nantel on 2024/07/03 09:20
Copyright RobotShop 2018