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Version 19.1 by Eric Nantel on 2022/03/16 14:33

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Eric Nantel 2.1 1 = **FLOWBOTICS DEVELOPER ZONE** =
3 (% style="width:710px" %)
4 |(% colspan="2" %)So you've [[read about FlowBotics Studio>>doc:flowbotics.learn-more.WebHome]] and want to start making apps to sell through [[the RobotShop App Store>>url:]]. In this section, you should be able to find all the information you need to do just that.
5 |(% colspan="2" %)(((
Eric Nantel 18.1 6 * [[Getting Started>>doc:ses-software.flowbotics.developers.getting-started-tutorial.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 15.3 7 * [[Modifying a Project from the App Store>>doc:flowbotics.developers.phidgets-888-app-tutorial.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 14.1 8 * [[Modifying a Project that came with FlowBotics Studio>>attach:lynxmotion-app-programming-guide.pdf]]
Eric Nantel 19.1 9 * [[Lynxmotion SSC-32 Protocol Tutorial>>doc:ses-software.flowbotics.developers.lynxmotion-ssc-32-protocol-tutorial.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 17.1 10 * [[Dynamixel Protocol Tutorial>>doc:ses-software.flowbotics.developers.dynamixel-protocol-tutorial.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 16.1 11 * [[Making an App from Scratch>>doc:ses-software.flowbotics.developers.create-app-tutorial.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 15.3 12 * [[Publish to App Store and Make Money>>doc:flowbotics.developers.submit-app-tutorial.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 2.1 13 )))
14 |(% colspan="2" %)**Getting Started**
15 |(% colspan="2" %)FlowBotics Studio is a software development platform to create apps for your robots. Apps are primarily made using the FlowBotics graphical programming language, but can also include some blocks of Ruby textual code. If you haven't yet starting making projects in FlowBotics, we recommend [[starting with this tutorial>>url:]].
Eric Nantel 10.2 16 |(% colspan="2" style="text-align:center" %)(((
17 Go to Tutorial: Getting Started
19 [[image:flow-basics.png]]
20 )))
21 |(% colspan="2" %)**Modifying a Project from the App Store**
22 |(% colspan="2" %)If you want to learn FlowBotics Studio by modifying an existing app, the Phidgets series of apps were designed to be make this very easy. We've made a great tutorial on [[how to make changes to the Phidget 8/8/8 App>>url:]].
23 |(% colspan="2" style="text-align:center" %)(((
24 Go to Tutorial: Modifying an App from the App Store
26 [[image:phidgets-888-app.png]]
27 )))
28 |(% colspan="2" %)**Modifying a Project that came with FlowBotics Studio**
Eric Nantel 10.3 29 |(% colspan="2" %)If you are modifying one of the Lynxmotion projects that is included with FlowBotics Studio, [[this programming guide>>url:]] will show you where to make changes.
30 |(% colspan="2" style="text-align:center" %)(((
31 Open Guide: Lynxmotion App Programming Guide
33 [[image:lynxmotion-app-programming-guide.png]]
34 )))
Eric Nantel 10.4 35 |(% colspan="2" %)**Implementing Serial Protocols**
36 |(% colspan="2" %)Many hardware devices communication with the computer using a serial protocol. Some are simple ASCII-based protocols, but others can be more complex binary ones that require checksums. No matter, both can easily be made in FlowBotics. Here's a [[Lynxmotion SSC-32 Protocol Tutorial>>url:]] which is ASCII-based and a [[Dynamixel Protocol Tutorial>>url:]] which is binary.
37 |(% colspan="2" style="text-align:center" %)(((
38 Go to Tutorial: Lynxmotion SSC-32 Protocol
Eric Nantel 2.1 39
Eric Nantel 10.4 40 [[image:lynxmotion-ssc-32-protocol-engine.png||height="289" width="600"]]
42 Go to Tutorial: Dynamixel Protocol
44 [[image:dynamixel-protocol-encapsulation-crop.png]]
45 )))
Eric Nantel 11.1 46 |(% colspan="2" %)**Making an App from Scratch**
47 |(% colspan="2" %)Starting with FlowBotics Studio version 3.0.7, everyone can now generate their own FlowBotics App. These apps are standalone Windows programs (EXEs) that have an integrated activation system which make them ready to sell in the RobotShop App Store. Here's [[how to convert your project into an app>>url:]].
48 |(% colspan="2" style="text-align:center" %)(((
49 Go to Tutorial: Convert a Project into an App
Eric Nantel 10.4 50
Eric Nantel 11.1 51 [[image:create-app-button-crop.png]]
52 )))
53 |(% colspan="2" %)**Publish to App Store and Make Money**
54 |(% colspan="2" %)Once you have your FlowBotics App done, you'll probably want to [[sell it through the RobotShop App Store>>url:]].
55 |(% colspan="2" style="text-align:center" %)(((
56 Go to: App Submission Procedure
58 [[image:submit-app.png]]
59 )))
Eric Nantel 2.1 61

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