Wiki source code of Making an App from Scratch

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2022/11/01 07:25

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2 |Starting with FlowBotics Studio version 3.0.7, everyone can now create their own FlowBotics App. These Apps are standalone Windows programs (EXEs).
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4 The process is very simple:
6 ~1. Select the main module in your project, and click the "__//Create App//__" button
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8 |(% style="text-align:center" %)[[image:create-app-button.png||height="446" width="300"]]
9 |2. In the dialog that appears, choose the name and icon for your App
10 |(% style="text-align:center" %)[[image:create-app-dialog.webp||height="438" width="400"]]
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12 3. Next enter your App ID, and choose the location to save the file.
14 * If you have not done so already, you can get your developper App ID usign the "__//Get App ID...//__" button.
16 4.Finally, adjust any of the other options as you like, and click Create.
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19 If you have any issues with this process, please let us now in [[our support forum>>]] and we'll be glad to help you! Please do not post your App IDs or License Keys, since they are only meant for you.
21 [[<< Back to Developer Zone>>doc:ses-software.flowbotics.developers.WebHome]]
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