Wiki source code of Controlling an Arm with the Bot Board (Basic Atom) and the SSC-32
Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2024/07/03 09:21
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5 | <p align="center"><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">Controlling an Arm with the Bot Board (Basic Atom) and the SSC-32</font></strong></p> |
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12 | <td valign="top" ><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">Make the connection</font></strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><br> |
13 | Before I discuss how to write a program to control the arm, we need to make the serial data connection. The SSC-32 includes a short two |
14 | conductor cable assembly. The black wire goes to ground and the yellow wire is for the signal. The .1" spaced end goes to the SSC-32 where |
15 | it is marked with RX and the ground symbol. You will need to make sure the SSC-32 is set for 38.4k baud. It will be necessary to remove the DB9 |
16 | enable jumpers if present to make this connection. The yellow wire goes to RX, and the black wire goes to ground. The .2" spaced end goes |
17 | to the Bot Board I/O pin 15. The black wire goes closer to the outside edge of the board, and the yellow wire goes closer to the IC. Note, the |
18 | nylon standoff has been removed for this photo. </font></td> |
19 | <td valign="top" align="center" width="50%"><img border="2" src="" width="320" height="240"><br> |
20 | <font face="Verdana" size="2">Figure 1.</font></td> |
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26 | <td valign="top" ><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">Enabling the servos</font></strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><br> |
27 | SSC-32 will not send out servo pulses until it receives the proper command. The program to the right will enable channels 10 through 15. This |
28 | will make all of the servos go to their mid positions, or 1500uS. Note, all serout commands need to be one continuous line of text. If you cut |
29 | and paste from here you will need to remove the CR's. Note, later you can substitute the 1500's with other starting positions to prevent the arm |
30 | from jumping. </font></td> |
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34 | <td bordercolor="#000000"><font face="Courier New" size="2">serout p15,i38400,["#10 P1500 #11 P1500 #12 P1500 #13 P1500 |
35 | #14 P1500 #15 P1500",13] <br> |
36 | <br> |
37 | start:<br> |
38 | goto start 'loop</font></td> |
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47 | <td valign="top" ><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">Move the arm smoothly</font></strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><br> |
48 | The next program will move the arm from the initial position, to a new position, then to another new position, then cycle back and forth. The |
49 | moves are slow and smooth. They will each take 2 seconds to complete. Note, these servo values are arbitrary, you will need to replace them with |
50 | the actual positions you want the arm to move to. </font></td> |
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54 | <td bordercolor="#000000"><font face="Courier New" size="2">serout p15,i38400,["#10 P1500 #11 P1500 #12 P1500 #13 P1500 |
55 | #14 P1500 #15 P1500",13] <br> |
56 | <br> |
57 | start:<br> |
58 | serout p15,i38400,["#10 P1400 #11 P1400 #12 P1400 #13 P1400 #14 P1400 #15 P1400 T2000",13]<br> |
59 | pause 2000<br> |
60 | serout p15,i38400,["#10 P1600 #11 P1600 #12 P1600 #13 P1600 #14 P1600 #15 P1600 T2000",13]<br> |
61 | pause 2000<br> |
62 | goto start 'repeat</font></td> |
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71 | <td valign="top" ><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">Code specific to the arm</font></strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><br> |
72 | By using variables and the gosub command the code can be simplified to read easier. This program will accomplish the same thing as the previous |
73 | one, but you can change the position with a name instead of a number. The first serout still uses the servo channel number though.</font></td> |
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77 | <td bordercolor="#000000"><font face="Courier New" size="2">base var word 'Base rotate<br> |
78 | shld var word 'Shoulder pivot<br> |
79 | elbo var word 'Elbow pivot<br> |
80 | wrst var word 'Wrist pivot<br> |
81 | grip var word 'Gripper open/close<br> |
82 | grpr var word 'Gripper rotate (L6 only)<br> |
83 | ttm var word 'Amount of time to take to move<br> |
84 | <br> |
85 | serout p15,i38400,["#10 P1500 #11 P1500 #12 P1500 #13 P1500 #14 P1500 #15 P1500",13] <br> |
86 | <br> |
87 | start:<br> |
88 | 'first move...<br> |
89 | base=1400: shld=1400: elbo=1400:<br> |
90 | wrst=1400: grip=1400: grpr=1400: <br> |
91 | ttm=2000<br> |
92 | gosub send_data<br> |
93 | <br> |
94 | 'second move...<br> |
95 | base=1600: shld=1600: elbo=1600: <br> |
96 | wrst=1600: grip=1600: grpr=1600: <br> |
97 | ttm=2000<br> |
98 | gosub send_data<br> |
99 | <br> |
100 | 'add more moves here...<br> |
101 | goto start<br> |
102 | <br> |
103 | send_data:<br> |
104 | serout p15,i38400,["#10P", DEC base, "#11P", DEC shld, "#12P", DEC elbo, "#13P", DEC wrst, |
105 | "#14P", DEC grip, "#15P", DEC grpr, "T", DEC ttm, 13]<br> |
106 | pause ttm<br> |
107 | return <br> |
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117 | <td valign="top" ><strong><font size="2" face="Verdana">In conclusion</font></strong><font size="2" face="Verdana"><br> |
118 | I hope you find this simple tutorial helpful. I will add more content in the future. Now you can control the Lynx arms easily and eloquently |
119 | from a BASIC Atom / SSC-32.</font> |
120 | <p><font size="2" face="Verdana">Happy Roboting,</font> |
121 | </p><p><font size="2" face="Verdana">Jim Frye</font></p> |
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