Wiki source code of Smart Servo (LSS)

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2024/07/03 09:40

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Eric Nantel 177.1 1 [[image:LSS-Servo-Horns.PNG||queryString="width=350&height=350" height="350" width="350"]]
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Eric Nantel 212.1 3 [[[[image:[email protected]||alt="buy-online.jpg"]]>>||rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"]]
Coleman Benson 194.1 4
Eric Nantel 192.1 5 **Table of Contents**
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7 {{toc/}}
Eric Nantel 69.1 9 = Description =
Eric Nantel 90.1 10
Coleman Benson 173.3 11 The Lynxmotion Smart Servos (LSS) are new, compact, modular and configurable actuators designed to be an evolution of the standard RC servo for use in multi degree-of-freedom robotics, animatronics, custom RC projects and more. The servo lineup currently includes three “smart servos” which appear physically the same, sharing the same dimensions, mounting points and output spline, but differing in maximum torque and speed. The servos are core modules of the next generation Lynxmotion Servo Erector Set (S.E.S.) modular robotic construction system and a wide variety of modular brackets, mechanics and electronics have been designed around them. "Smart" means each servos' parameters are user modifiable and configurable, there is sensor feedback, built-in safety features, and they are although meant to be connected to a microcontroller, can be used as advanced RC actuators. The custom LSS serial communication protocol was built upon the SSC-32 / 32U protocol and makes communicating with, controlling and configuring the servos easy and intuitive.
Coleman Benson 33.1 12
Coleman Benson 123.1 13 NOTE: The Lynxmotion Smart Servo motors, as well as the SES modular construction system is NOT open source. As such, RobotShop cannot provide the schematics for the electronics, nor any details relating to the components used internally. Opening the servos without the express permission from RobotShop will void the warranty.
Eric Nantel 69.1 15 = Features =
Eric Nantel 90.1 16
Coleman Benson 1.1 17 * Serial, RC PWM and continuous rotation modes
Coleman Benson 123.1 18 * Human readable LSS Serial Communication Protocol
Coleman Benson 1.1 19 * Button Menu, RGB LED
Coleman Benson 109.1 20 * Feedback: voltage, current, position, temperature, operating status and more.
21 * Configurable: center position, angular range, direction, speed and much more.
Coleman Benson 110.1 22 * All metal gears for high torque and reduced wear
Coleman Benson 1.1 23 * Libraries: Arduino, Python, ROS
Coleman Benson 109.1 24 * 12V nominal (3S LiPo ideal), 6-12V operation*
Coleman Benson 1.1 25 * Standard 24T output spline (compatible with accessories made for Hitec 422, 645MG servos)
26 * Many Mounting points, brackets, accessories
Coleman Benson 109.1 28 ~* Note that the servo's maximum speed and available torque both decrease with lower input voltage
Eric Nantel 102.1 30 = Specifications =
Eric Nantel 230.1 32 The easiest way to differentiate between the three models is based on the sticker, located at the rear of the servo. Lynxmotion software automatically determines which model is connected. Detailed product specifications regarding voltage, torque, speed, temperature and more can be found on the [[LSS - Specifications>>doc:ses-v2.lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-specifications.WebHome]] page. Note that these servos are intended primarily for hobby, educational and semi-professional use. They are not intended for industrial, medical or related applications and are not certified as such.
Coleman Benson 109.1 33
Eric Nantel 102.1 34 = Power =
Eric Nantel 230.1 36 The servos are meant to be powered from either a battery source or a DC wall adapter. When selecting a power source, ensure it will be able to provide sufficient current to power all of the servos in the project. Please refer to the [[LSS - Specifications>>doc:ses-v2.lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-specifications.WebHome]] page for information regarding input voltage and current for each servo motor.
Coleman Benson 141.1 37
38 = Navigation =
Eric Nantel 222.1 40 * [[doc:ses-v2.lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-button-menu.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 223.1 41 * [[doc:ses-v2.lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-communication-protocol.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 224.1 42 * [[doc:ses-v2.lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-configuration-software.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 225.1 43 * [[doc:ses-v2.lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-electrical.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 226.1 44 * [[doc:ses-v2.lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-firmware.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 227.1 45 * [[LSS - Libraries & Examples>>doc:ses-v2.lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-libraries.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 228.1 46 * [[doc:ses-v2.lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-mechanical.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 229.1 47 * [[doc:ses-v2.lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-radio-control-pwm.WebHome]]
Eric Nantel 230.1 48 * [[doc:ses-v2.lynxmotion-smart-servo.lss-specifications.WebHome]]
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