Changes for page LSS Configuration Software
Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2024/07/12 11:23
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... ... @@ -10,22 +10,14 @@ 10 10 11 11 == Connection == 12 12 13 -Connection to the servo is done automatically, via any properly installed USB to serial interface like the [[LSS Adapter board>>doc:LSS - Overview (DEV).LSS - Adapter Board.WebHome]]. Ensure the board is recognized by the computer and if not, install the proper drivers. The software automatically scans all standard baud rates using ID254 (broadcast ID) and waits for a reply from the servo connected. Should an incorrect COM port be selected, the software will keep trying to connect. You must disconnect, select the correct COM port and reconnect. If you are not sure which COM port to select, in Windows, go to Device Manager -> Ports (COM & LPT) and select the port associated with the USB to serial device.13 +Connection to the servo is done automatically, via any properly installed USB to serial interface like the [[LSS Adapter board>>doc:LSS - Overview (DEV).LSS - Adapter Board.WebHome]]. Ensure the board is recognized by the computer and if not, install the proper drivers. The software automatically scans all standard baud rates using ID254 (broadcast ID) and waits for a reply from the servo connected. 14 14 15 15 == Firmware Update == 16 16 17 - [[image:lss-config-firmware-update.jpg||alt="LSSConfigFirmwareUpdate"]]17 +The LSS Config serves as the main software to update the servo's onboard firmware / programming. An internet connection is needed in order for the software to check if an online update is available. Do not disconnect the servo during a firmware update. During the update, a progress bar will be displayed in the command line. 18 18 19 - TheLSS Config serves as the main softwaretoupdate the servo's onboard firmware / programming. An internet connection is needed in order for the software to check if an onlineupdate is available.19 += Servo Control = 20 20 21 -The servo's current firmware version is displayed to the left of the FIRMWARE button. Pressing the button will open a popup window which allows you to select the firmware version to upload to the servo. 22 - 23 -When checked, the Exp. button will allow experimental versions of the firmware to be displayed in the list. 24 - 25 -Once the OK button is pressed, a progress bar will be displayed in the command line. Do not disconnect the servo during a firmware update. 26 - 27 -= Servo Control [coming soon] = 28 - 29 29 The servo control section allows you to visually move the servo and change a variety of parameter. 30 30 31 31 The large red STOP button will send a LIMP command to the servo. ... ... @@ -32,22 +32,18 @@ 32 32 33 33 {More to come} 34 34 35 -= =Configurations ==27 += Configurations = 36 36 37 37 [[image:lss-config-configurations.jpg||alt="LSS Config Configurations"]] 38 38 39 -Upon connection, the software will read all configuration values and update the values in the"configurations" section. Visit the [[LSS Communication Protocol>>doc:LSS - Overview (DEV).LSS - Communication Protocol.WebHome]] page for more information about commands, actions and configurations.31 +Upon connection, the software will read all configuration values and update the "configurations" section. Visit the [[LSS Communication Protocol>>doc:LSS - Overview (DEV).LSS - Communication Protocol.WebHome]] page for more information about commands, actions and configurations. 40 40 41 -Changing the values will notaffect the session.Valueswhichhave beenchangedwillhaveyellowbackground. Thevalueswhichcanbe enteredare restricted to what theservocanaccept;forexample, servo IDs mustbe below 250.33 +Changing the values displayed will update the session. Pressing the UPDATE button will write all values to EEPROM, changing the configurations. 42 42 43 - **UPDATE**Pressing this button will writeallvalues to EEPROM,changing theconfigurations,andreverting all background colors to white.35 +UNDO ALL: Revert all changes made 44 44 45 - **UNDOALL** isa shortcutbutton whichrevertsall changesmade which have not been written to EEPROM.37 += Sensor Graph = 46 46 47 -**SMART** / **RC POS** / **RC WHL**: This is a shortcut to change the servo's mode (LSS Smart Serial / RC PWM Position / RC PWM Wheel). IMPORTANT NOTE: Should you select either of the two RC modes, the LSS Config software will no longer be able to communicate with the servo. You must use the button menu to return to LSS serial mode (hold the button, release, press twice). 48 - 49 -= Telemetry Graph [coming soon] = 50 - 51 51 The sensor graphing feature of the software allows you to select, display and record, with respect to time, the output from all of the servo's sensors. 52 52 53 53 {More to come} ... ... @@ -56,16 +56,8 @@ 56 56 57 57 [[image:lss-config-command-line.jpg||alt="LSS Config Command Line"]] 58 58 59 -The custom command line interface both allows you to communicate directly with anindividualservo,send commandsto it(and view replies), as well as getresponsesto queriesfromthe software.47 +The custom command line interface both allows you to communicate directly with the servo and send commands (and view replies), as well as get status updates of the software. 60 60 61 -~>>: Command sent to the servo 62 - 63 -<<: Reply from the servo 64 - 65 -The software also auto-completes each command by automatically inserting "#[ID] before each command. For example, rather than typing #4D230<cr>, you need only type D230 and the software will automatically add #4 66 - 67 -Left clicking a line highlights that line and allows it to be copied / pasted. 68 - 69 69 {More to come} 70 70 71 71
- lss-config-firmware-update.jpg
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