Wiki source code of 06 - Arm Clip Positions

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2021/08/06 12:32

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1 {{stepNavigation pageTitle="MES - Arms" previousStepURL="" nextStepName="Return" nextStepURL=""/}}
3 (% style="text-align:center; width:700px" %)
4 |(% colspan="3" %)The MES reconfigurable modular frame can be folded for storage and each configuration will use different "arm clip" locations. This is a guide to properly setup your frame prior to Fly or Store.
5 |(((
6 (% class="wikigeneratedid" id="HQuadcopter26X8" %)
7 **//OPEN (flying state)//**
8 )))|(((
9 //**QUAD**//
10 )))|(((
11 //**FOLDED (storage state)**//
12 )))
13 |{{lightbox image="MES-F-CENTER-FRAME-QUAD-O.png"/}}(((
15 )))|(((
16 {{lightbox image="MES-F-CENTER-FRAME-QUAD-F.png"/}}
17 )))|(((
18 {{lightbox image="MES-F-CENTER-FRAME-QUAD-C.png"/}}
19 )))
20 |(((
21 (% class="wikigeneratedid" id="HY426Y6" %)
23 )))|//**Y4 & Y6**//|
24 |(((
25 {{lightbox image="MES-F-CENTER-FRAME-Y6-O.png"/}}
26 )))|(((
27 {{lightbox image="MES-F-CENTER-FRAME-Y6-F.png"/}}
28 )))|(((
29 {{lightbox image="MES-F-CENTER-FRAME-HEX-C.png"/}}
30 )))
31 |(((
32 (% class="wikigeneratedid" id="HHexacopter" %)
34 )))|//**Hexacopter**//|
35 |(((
36 {{lightbox image="MES-F-CENTER-FRAME-HEX-O.png"/}}
37 )))|(((
38 {{lightbox image="MES-F-CENTER-FRAME-HEX-F.png"/}}
39 )))|(((
40 {{lightbox image="MES-F-CENTER-FRAME-HEX-C.png"/}}
41 )))
43 {{stepNavigation pageTitle="MES - Arms" previousStepURL="" nextStepName="Return" nextStepURL=""/}}
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