Wiki source code of 05 - Final Assembly

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2021/08/06 11:58

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Eric Nantel 52.1 1 {{stepNavigation pageTitle="MES - Final Assembly" previousStepURL="" nextStepURL=""/}}
Eric Nantel 9.1 2
Eric Nantel 50.1 3 (% border="2" style="background-color:#feab29; width:710px" %)
4 |(((
5 ====== **Landing Gear - Final Assembly** ======
6 )))
Eric Nantel 9.1 7
Eric Nantel 52.1 8 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="MES-FINAL-ASSEMBLY-Landing-01" imageBeforeURL="MES-F-FINAL-Step-01-B.png" stepTitle="Landing Assembly - MES" stepNumber="Step 1/2" imageAfterURL="MES-F-FINAL-Step-01-A.png" item1QtySKU="1x MES-F-Landing" item1Name="Landing Assembly" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="1x MES-F-Center" item2Name="Frame Assembly" item2ImageURL=""/}}
Eric Nantel 1.1 9
Eric Nantel 47.1 10 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="MES-FINAL-ASSEMBLY-Landing-02" imageBeforeURL="MES-F-FINAL-Step-02-B.png" stepTitle="Landing Assembly - MES" stepNumber="Step 2/2" imageAfterURL="MES-F-FINAL-Step-02-A.png"/}}
Eric Nantel 10.1 11
Eric Nantel 50.1 12 (% border="2" style="background-color:#feab29; width:710px" %)
13 |(((
14 ====== **Quick Release - Final Assembly** ======
15 )))
Eric Nantel 11.1 16
Eric Nantel 52.1 17 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="MES-FINAL-ASSEMBLY-Quick-Release-01" imageBeforeURL="MES-F-FINAL-QUICK-Step-01-B.png" stepTitle="Quick Release Assembly - MES" stepNumber="Step 1/2" imageAfterURL="MES-F-FINAL-QUICK-Step-01-A.png" item1QtySKU="1x MES-F-Quick-Release" item1Name="Quick Assembly" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="1x MES-F-Center-Frame" item2Name="Frame Assembly" item2ImageURL="" stepComments="Insert the quick release from the bigger big opening of the plate"/}}
Eric Nantel 14.1 18
Eric Nantel 47.1 19 {{assemblyStepSingle uniqueID="MES-FINAL-ASSEMBLY-Quick-Release-02" imageSingleBeforeURL="MES-F-FINAL-QUICK-Step-02-B.png" stepTitle="Quick Release Assembly - MES" stepNumber="Step 2/2" stepComments="Twist clockwise until you feel the click that secure the system"/}}
Eric Nantel 37.1 20
Eric Nantel 52.1 21 {{stepNavigation pageTitle="MES - Final Assembly" previousStepURL="" nextStepURL=""/}}
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