Wiki source code of 03 - Wiring

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2024/03/29 07:17

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1 {{stepNavigation previousStepURL="" nextStepURL="" pageTitle="A4WD3 Wheeled - Wiring"/}}
3 (% style="width:710px" %)
4 |(% colspan="2" style="text-align:center" %)**Radio Controlled (RC) / Bridged**
5 |(% colspan="2" %)(((
6 Both motors on the left side are wired to one channel of the Sabertooth motor controller, and both motors on the right side are wired to the other. This ensures motors on the same side receive the same signal ("skid steering"). The Sabertooth's onboard BEC powers the RC receiver.
8 Not Connected
10 * 4x Encoders
11 * Two of three XT30 connectors
12 )))
13 |(% colspan="2" %){{lightbox image=""/}}
14 |(% colspan="2" style="text-align:center" %)**Microcontroller / Bridged**
15 |(% colspan="2" %)(((
16 Both motors on the left side are wired to one channel of the Sabertooth motor controller, while both motors on the right side are wired to the other. This ensures motors on the same side receive the same signal ("skid steering"). The Sabertooth's BEC can be used to power a microcontroller up to ~~1A. If additional current is needed, consider using a spare XT30 split off from  the main battery to power the microcontroller and disconnect the 5V (red) cable from the BEC.
18 Optional Connections
20 * 4x Encoders
21 * Second XT30 to power microcontroller
22 * Third XT30 connector
23 )))
24 |(% colspan="2" %){{lightbox image=""/}}
26 {{warningBox warningText="CAUTION: Ensure the motors rotate in the same direction on each side. If the wiring between the motors and the Sabertooth was done correctly, the motors on each side of the robot should rotate in the same direction.<br><br>If the front and rear motors rotate in opposite directions however, the track which connects them will cause them to stall and burn very quickly! If you are at all uncertain, it is safest to remove the sprockets and test the motors. If they rotate in opposite directions, the wiring to the Sabertooth needs to be corrected.
27 "/}}
29 (% style="width:710px" %)
30 |(% colspan="3" style="text-align:center" %)**Sabertooth 2 x 12A**
31 |(% colspan="1" rowspan="8" style="width:350px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(% style="width:35px" %)[[image:[email protected]]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Positive Input (6-24V / 30V Absolute Max)
32 |[[image:[email protected]]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Negative Input / GND
33 |[[image:[email protected]]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)M1A / M2A Outputs
34 |[[image:[email protected]]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)M1B / M2B Outputs
35 |[[image:[email protected]]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Positive Output 5V (Max 1A)
36 |[[image:[email protected]]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Negative Output / GND
37 |[[image:[email protected]]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Signal 1 Input (S1)
38 |[[image:[email protected]]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Signal 2 Input (S2)
39 |(% colspan="3" style="width:350px" %)(((
40 Details regarding the DIP switches can be found on the next page.
42 Complete information available [[HERE>>]]
43 )))
45 (% style="width:710px" %)
46 |(% colspan="3" style="text-align:center" %)**Gear Motor (36GP 540-51-EN)**
47 |(% colspan="1" rowspan="6" style="width:350px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(% style="vertical-align:middle; width:35px" %)[[image:[email protected]||alt="SQUARE-Red.png"]]|Motor Positive
48 |[[image:[email protected]||alt="SQUARE-Black.png"]]|Motor Negative
49 |[[image:[email protected]||alt="SQUARE-Yellow.png"]]|Encoder Negative / GND
50 |[[image:[email protected]||alt="SQUARE-White.png"]]|Encoder Positive (5V)
51 |[[image:[email protected]||alt="SQUARE-Red-Soft.png"]]|Encoder Output 1 (Hall Effect)
52 |[[image:[email protected]||alt="SQUARE-Gray.png"]]|Encoder Output 2 (Hall Effect)
53 |(% colspan="3" style="width:350px" %)
55 (% style="width:710px" %)
56 |(% colspan="3" style="text-align:center" %)**RC Receiver (RadioLink R8EF)**
57 |(% colspan="1" rowspan="7" style="width:350px" %){{lightbox image=""/}}|(% style="vertical-align:middle; width:35px" %)[[image:[email protected]]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Positive Input & Distribution (5-6V)
58 |(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)[[image:[email protected]]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Negative Input / GND & Distribution
59 |(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)[[image:[email protected]]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Channel #1 (SBUS Optional)
60 |(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)[[image:[email protected]||alt="SQUARE-White.png"]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Channel #2 (PPM Optional)
61 |(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)[[image:[email protected]||alt="SQUARE-Red-Soft.png"]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Channel #3
62 |(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)[[image:[email protected]||alt="SQUARE-Gray.png"]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Channel #4
63 |(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)[[image:[email protected]||alt="SQUARE-Green.png"]]|(% style="vertical-align:middle" %)Channel #5
65 {{stepNavigation previousStepURL="" nextStepURL="" pageTitle="A4WD3 Wheeled - Wiring"/}}

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