Wiki source code of 900mm 5DoF Joint 2 to 3

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2024/07/09 11:50

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1 {{stepNavigation pageTitle="900 5DoF - Joint 2 to 3 Assembly" previousStepName="Previous" previousStepURL="" nextStepName="Next" nextStepURL=""/}}
3 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="ses-pro-900-5-dof-arm-joint-2-to-3-01" stepTitle="Joint 2 to 3 - Assembly A" stepNumber="Step 1/5" imageBeforeURL="SES-P-A-900-5DOF-2to3-Step-01-B.png" imageAfterURL="SES-P-A-900-5DOF-2to3-Step-01-A.png" item1QtySKU="1x LSS-P-M1" item1Name="LSS-P Mega" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="1x SES-P-A-C-70" item2Name="70mm Tube Clamp" item2ImageURL="" item3QtySKU="6x SHS-22" item3Name="Socket M3 x 12mm" item3ImageURL="" stepComments="Pay attention to the orientation of the clamp with respect to the frame as it will need to align with cover at a later step. The clamp side screws need to be inserted from the right side in this view."/}}
5 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="ses-pro-900-5-dof-arm-joint-2-to-3-02" stepTitle="Joint 2 to 3 - Assembly B" stepNumber="Step 2/5" imageBeforeURL="SES-P-A-900-5DOF-2to3-Step-02-B.png" imageAfterURL="SES-P-A-900-5DOF-2to3-Step-02-A.png" item1QtySKU="1x LSS-P-S1" item1Name="LSS-P Standard" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="1x SES-P-A-C-70" item2Name="70mm Tube Clamp" item2ImageURL="" item3QtySKU="6x SHS-22" item3Name="Socket M3 x 12mm" item3ImageURL="" stepComments="Pay attention to the orientation of the clamp with respect to the frame as it will need to align with cover at a later step. The clamp side screws need to be inserted from the right side in this view."/}}
7 {{warningBox warningText="IMPORTANT : Make sure the clamps are alligned one another. This will ensure both actuators are in line. The carbon fiber tubes are quite tight in the clamps and it's important to properly push them all the way to the base of each clamp." __cke_selected_macro="true"/}}
9 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="ses-pro-900-5-dof-arm-joint-2-to-3-03" stepTitle="Joint 2 to 3 - Assembly C" stepNumber="Step 3/5" imageBeforeURL="SES-P-A-900-5DOF-2to3-Step-03-B.png" imageAfterURL="SES-P-A-900-5DOF-2to3-Step-03-A.png" item1QtySKU="Joint 2 to 3" item1Name="Assembly A" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="Joint 2 to 3" item2Name="Assembly B" item2ImageURL="" item3QtySKU="CF-70x67-280.5" item3Name="CF Tube 280.5mm" item3ImageURL="" item4QtySKU="8x SHS-22" item4Name="Socket M3 x 12mm" item4ImageURL="" /}}
11 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="ses-pro-900-5-dof-arm-joint-2-to-3-04" stepTitle="Joint 2 to 3 - Assembly D" stepNumber="Step 4/5" imageBeforeURL="SES-P-A-900-5DOF-2to3-Step-04-B.png" imageAfterURL="SES-P-A-900-5DOF-2to3-Step-04-A.png" item1QtySKU="Joint 2 to 3" item1Name="Assembly C" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="LSS-P-M1-FP" item2Name="LSS-P-M1 Plate" item2ImageURL="" item3QtySKU="4x SHS-29" item3Name="Socket M8 x 18mm" item3ImageURL="" stepComments="Use the LSS-P-M1-FP plate removed in the previous (Base to Joint 1 - 2/2) step of the assembly guide."/}}
13 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="ses-pro-900-5-dof-arm-joint-2-to-3-05" stepTitle="Joint 2 to 3 - Assembly F" stepNumber="Step 5/5" imageBeforeURL="SES-P-A-900-5DOF-2to3-Step-05-B.png" imageAfterURL="SES-P-A-900-5DOF-2to3-Step-05-A.png" item1QtySKU="Base" item1Name="Assembly B" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="Join 2 to 3" item2Name="Assembly C" item2ImageURL="" item3QtySKU="6x SHS-24" item3Name="Socket M4 x 12mm" item3ImageURL="" stepComments="Use the screws (SHS-24 / Socket M4 x 12mm) removed in the previous (Base to Joint 1 - 2/2) step of the assembly guide."/}}
15 {{stepNavigation pageTitle="900 5DoF - Joint 2 to 3 Assembly" previousStepName="Previous" previousStepURL="" nextStepName="Next" nextStepURL=""/}}

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