Wiki source code of 900mm 5DoF Initial Setup

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2024/10/09 07:08

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1 {{stepNavigation pageTitle="900 5DoF - Initial Setup" previousStepName="Previous" previousStepURL="" nextStepName="Next" nextStepURL=""/}}
3 {{warningBox warningText="**Disclaimer:**
4 The Lynxmotion PRO Robotic Arm is a precision tool designed for advanced users and industrial applications. This product is **not a toy** and should be operated with caution. Improper use may result in serious injuries. Always follow the safety guidelines and wear appropriate protective equipment when operating the robotic arm."/}}
6 {{toc depth="1"/}}
8 (% style="width:720px" %)
9 |(% colspan="2" style="width:25px" %)(((
10 = 1.0 - Firmware =
11 )))
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13 Before proceeding, verify that each servo is running the latest firmware and update if necessary. See LSS Config software page for details on how to update firmware per servo.
15  Important: At this time, firmware updates need to be done per servo (not the arm as a whole), with each servo connected directly to the computer via USB for their own update.
16 )))
18 {{include reference="ses-pro.lss-pro.lss-p-configuration-software.lss-p-config-firmware-update.WebHome"/}}
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22 = 2.0 - Actuator ID =
23 )))
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25 It's always best to verify the firmware version and update to the latest before doing anything else.
26 \\To proceed with the Firmware update it's important to know you can only update the actuator which is connected via USB. The easiest way would be to power your arm and connect the USB type-c to the actuator you want to update and right after setting the proper ID to that servo than move on to the next one.
28 J1: LSS-P-M1 / Mega / ID1
29 J2: LSS-P-M1 / Mega / ID2
30 J3: LSS-P-S1 / Standard / ID3
31 J4: //Not Present on the 5DoF version//
32 J5: LSS-P-L1 / Lite / ID5
33 J6: LSS-P-L1 / Lite / ID6
34 )))
35 |(% style="width:25px" %) |[[image:SES-P-A-900-5DOF-IDs.png]]
37 {{include reference="ses-pro.lss-pro.lss-p-configuration-software.lss-p-config-configure-ids.WebHome"/}}
39 (% style="width:710px" %)
40 |(% colspan="2" %)(((
41 = 3.0 - CAN bus =
42 )))
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44 The LSS-P actuators communicate from one another using a CAN bus and to be stable it require an "end of line" resistor to be set. It suppress reflections as well as return the bus to its recessive or idle state
46 By default all actuator have this resistor set to ON and the actuator that are in the middle of the bus need to be deactivated.
48 It's quite easy to do so with a serial command using the LSS PRO Configuration software.
50 More about it here: [[LSS-PRO Communication Protocol / Enable CAN Terminal Resistor>>path:/info/wiki/lynxmotion/view/ses-pro/lss-pro/lss-p-communication-protocol/#HEnableCANTerminalResistor]]
51 )))
53 {{include reference="ses-pro.lss-pro.lss-p-configuration-software.lss-p-config-can-bus.WebHome"/}}
55 {{stepNavigation pageTitle="900 5DoF - Initial Setup" previousStepName="Previous" previousStepURL="" nextStepName="Next" nextStepURL=""/}}
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