Wiki source code of SES - Mini Gripper Assembly

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2023/02/21 10:28

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Eric Nantel 115.1 1 {{assemblyStepOptionalMech uniqueID="SES-MG-KT-00" imageBeforeURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-PreStep-B.PNG" stepTitle="Prepare the Acrylic Parts" stepNumber="Pre-Step" imageAfterURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-PreStep-A.PNG" item1QtySKU="1x SES-MG" item1Name="Acrylic Parts" item1ImageURL="" stepComments="Peel off the protective film on either side of the acrylic then detach / pop out each of the parts."/}}
Eric Nantel 40.2 2
Eric Nantel 115.1 3 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="SES-MG-KT-01" imageBeforeURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-01-B.png" stepNumber="Step 1/7" imageAfterURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-01-A.png" item1QtySKU="2x SES-MG-PRT-05" item1Name="Gripper End" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="2x SES-MG-PRT-02" item2Name="Parallel Link" item2ImageURL="" item3QtySKU="1x SES-MG-PRT-03" item3Name="Driving Link" item3ImageURL="" item4QtySKU="1x PHS-05" item4Name="2-56 x 1/2~"" item4ImageURL="" item5QtySKU="1x PHS-22" item5Name="2-56 x 5/8~"" item5ImageURL="" item6QtySKU="2x SLN-04" item6Name="2-56 Lock Nut" item6ImageURL=""/}}
Eric Nantel 37.1 4
Coleman Benson 46.1 5 {{warningBox warningText="The nuts should first be tightened until they do not rotate, then loosened slightly to allow proper movement. They act as pivot pins at the same time."/}}
Eric Nantel 115.1 7 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="SES-MG-KT-02" imageBeforeURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-02-B.png" stepNumber="Step 2/7" imageAfterURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-02-A.png" item1QtySKU="2x SES-MG-PRT-05" item1Name="Gripper End" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="2x SES-MG-PRT-02" item2Name="Parallel Link" item2ImageURL="" item3QtySKU="1x SES-MG-PRT-04" item3Name="Idler Link" item3ImageURL="" item4QtySKU="1x PHS-05" item4Name="2-56 x 1/2~"" item4ImageURL="" item5QtySKU="1x PHS-22" item5Name="2-56 x 5/8~"" item5ImageURL="" item6QtySKU="2x SLN-04" item6Name="2-56 Lock Nut" item6ImageURL=""/}}
Eric Nantel 23.1 8
Eric Nantel 116.1 9 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="SES-MG-KT-03" imageBeforeURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-03-B.png" stepNumber="Step 3/7" imageAfterURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-03-A.png" item1QtySKU="1x SES-MG-PRT-01" item1Name="SES Servo Plate" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="1x PHS-09" item2Name="2-56 x 3/8~"" item2ImageURL="" item3QtySKU="1x SLN-04" item3Name="2-56 Lock Nut" item3ImageURL="" item4QtySKU="1x - Step-02" item4Name="Sub-Assembly" item4ImageURL="" /}}
Eric Nantel 28.1 10
Eric Nantel 116.1 11 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="SES-MG-KT-04" imageBeforeURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-04-B.png" stepNumber="Step 4/7" imageAfterURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-04-A.png" item1QtySKU="1x LRC-MA1" item1Name="Micro Servo" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="1x Step-01" item2Name="Sub-Assembly" item2ImageURL="" item3QtySKU="1x - Step-03" item3Name="Sub-Assembly" item3ImageURL="" /}}
Eric Nantel 29.1 12
Eric Nantel 116.1 13 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="SES-MG-KT-05" imageBeforeURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-05-B.png" stepNumber="Step 5/7" imageAfterURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-05-A.png" item1QtySKU="1x SES-MG-PRT-06" item1Name="Servo Spacer" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="1x SES-MG-PRT-07" item2Name="Servo Nut" item2ImageURL="" item3QtySKU="2x PHS-22" item3Name="2-56 x 5/8~"" item3ImageURL="" item4QtySKU="1x - Step-04" item4Name="Sub-Assembly" item4ImageURL="" stepComments="The ~"NUT~" part has slightly smaller holes than the ~"SPACER~" for the screws to thread into, so it should be used at the end, while the ~"SPACER~" is used in the middle of the assembly."/}}
Coleman Benson 46.1 14
Eric Nantel 116.1 15 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="SES-MG-KT-06" imageBeforeURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-06-B.png" stepNumber="Step 6/7" imageAfterURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-06-A.png" item1QtySKU="2x SES-MG-PRT-08" item1Name="3~" Foam Strip" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="1x - Step-05" item2Name="Sub-Assembly" item2ImageURL="" stepComments="Foam strip provided is 6~" long and needs to be cut it in half for this step."/}}
Eric Nantel 106.1 16
Eric Nantel 116.1 17 {{assemblystepmech uniqueID="SES-MG-KT-07" imageBeforeURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-07-B.png" stepNumber="Step 7/7" imageAfterURL="SESV2-MINI-GRIPPER-Step-07-A.png" item1QtySKU="1x LRC-MA1-Horn" item1Name="Servo Horn" item1ImageURL="" item2QtySKU="1x PHTS-07" item2Name="#1 3/16in Screw" item2ImageURL="" item3QtySKU="1x - Step-06" item3Name="Sub-Assembly" item3ImageURL="" stepComments="It's best to set the servo to the Middle postion (1500uS) then insert the horn with the gripper in the closed position. Make sure to send an Open command with a signal going to 1000uS."/}}
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