02 - Simple Gait

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2024/07/03 09:38

1. Install Arduino IDE

Use the official tutorial to install Arduino IDE

2. Install the Lynxmotion Smart Servo Library

Use the official tutorial to install Libraries

3. Install the PPM Library (for RC PPM use)

Use the official tutorial to install Libraries

4. Get the mechDOG Simple Gait Sample Code

Download the Example

Ref: Lynxmotion mechDOG GitHub Repo

5. Open the sample code

In the Arduino IDE open the sample code

  • mechDOG_RC_PPM.ino
6. Upload the Code

Upload the code

  • Select your COM port
  • Select your Board type
  • Upload the code
7. RC Controls

Left Switch

  • Down: Sleep
  • Up: Wake

Left Joystick:

  • Up: Trot Forward
  • Down: Trot Backward
  • Left: Turn Left
  • Right: Turn Right

Right Switch (mode)

  • Down: Trot Left / Right
  • Up: Body Roll / Pitch

Right Joystick in Body Roll / Pitch Mode

  • Up: Look Up
  • Down: Look Down
  • Left: Roll to the Left
  • Right: Roll to the Right

Right Joystick in Trot Left / Right Mode

  • Left: Trot to the Left
  • Right: Trot to the Right

Right Button

  • Trot in Place


  • Left: Faster gait speed
  • Right: Slower gait speed


Created by Eric Nantel on 2024/07/03 09:38

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