Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2023/02/02 15:06

From version < 5.1 >
edited by Eric Nantel
on 2023/02/02 14:00
To version < 9.1
edited by Eric Nantel
on 2023/02/02 15:06
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1 -Dual H Bridge Motor Driver
1 +Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver
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2 -
2 +<body><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" >
3 + <tbody><tr>
4 + <td valign="top" ><font size="2" face="verdana"><strong>Dual
5 + H Bridge Motor Driver.</strong></font><p><font size="2" face="verdana"><strong>01.22.04</strong></font></p>
6 + <p><font size="2" face="verdana">This is a step-by-step procedure of
7 + connecting a Lynxmotion Dual H-Bridge motor driver to the OOPic-R
8 + microcontroller. These two products were designed at about the same
9 + time, but a misunderstanding of the actual pinout for the connector
10 + resulted in a mismatch. However it's not a difficult fix. Follow the
11 + instructions below to get your project up and running quickly.&nbsp;</font></p>
12 + </td>
13 + <td align="center" valign="bottom" width="320"><img src="" border="2" hspace="10" ><br>
14 + <font size="2" face="verdana"><strong>Finished Project</strong></font></td>
15 + </tr>
16 + <tr>
17 + <td colspan="2" >&nbsp;</td>
18 + </tr>
19 + <tr>
20 + <td valign="top" ><font size="2" face="verdana"><b>Step 1.</b> Plug
21 + in the +5vdc / GND connector (red and black wires) as shown.&nbsp;If
22 + you are already using the serial LCD port, then any I/O bus connector
23 + with +5vdc available can be used. Take care not to install this
24 + backwards.</font></td>
25 + <td align="center" valign="bottom" ><img src="" border="2" hspace="10" ><br>
26 + <font size="2" face="verdana">Figure 1-1.</font></td>
27 + </tr>
28 + <tr>
29 + <td colspan="2" >&nbsp;</td>
30 + </tr>
31 + <tr>
32 + <td valign="top" ><font size="2" face="verdana"><b>Step
33 + 2.</b> You need to rearrange some of the wires, and to do so you must unplug
34 + them from the black housings. Use a hobby knife and gently slide
35 + it under the tab holding the wire in. Lift the tab and slide the wire
36 + out. Don't bend it too far as damage could result. You will need to remove the following wires:<br>
37 + &nbsp;</font>
38 + <div align="center">
39 + <center>
40 + <table border="1" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
41 + <tbody><tr>
42 + <td bordercolor="#FFFFFF" colspan="2" align="center"><font size="2" face="Verdana">4-wire
43 + housing</font></td>
44 + </tr>
45 + <tr>
46 + <td align="center" bordercolor="#808080" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Wire
47 + Color</font></td>
48 + <td align="center" bordercolor="#808080" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="Verdana">From
49 + DHB</font></td>
50 + </tr>
51 + <tr>
52 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Brown</font></td>
53 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="verdana"> (A (-) in)</font></td>
54 + </tr>
55 + <tr>
56 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="verdana">
57 + Dark Blue</font></td>
58 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="verdana"> (B (+) in)</font></td>
59 + </tr>
60 + <tr>
61 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="verdana">
62 + Pink</font></td>
63 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="verdana"> (B (-) in)</font></td>
64 + </tr>
65 + <tr>
66 + <td bordercolor="#FFFFFF" colspan="2" align="center"><font size="2" face="Verdana">2-wire
67 + housing</font></td>
68 + </tr>
69 + <tr>
70 + <td align="center" bordercolor="#808080" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Wire
71 + Color</font></td>
72 + <td align="center" bordercolor="#808080" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="Verdana">From
73 + DHB</font></td>
74 + </tr>
75 + <tr>
76 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="verdana">
77 + Yellow</font></td>
78 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="verdana"> (A enable)</font></td>
79 + </tr>
80 + <tr>
81 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Light
82 + Blue *</font></td>
83 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="Verdana">(B
84 + enable)</font></td>
85 + </tr>
86 + <tr>
87 + <td bordercolor="#FFFFFF" colspan="2" align="center"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Table
88 + 2-1</font></td>
89 + </tr>
90 + </tbody></table>
91 + </center>
92 + </div>
93 + <p><font size="2" face="verdana">&nbsp;* The Light Blue (B
94 + enable) wire can optionally be removed and repositioned so that the 2-wire connector will be facing the same way
95 + as the 4-wire connector. It's purely an aesthetic choice.</font></p>
96 + </td>
97 + <td align="center" valign="top" ><img src="" border="2" hspace="10" ><br>
98 + <font size="2" face="verdana">Figure 2-1.</font></td>
99 + </tr>
100 + <tr>
101 + <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
102 + </tr>
103 + <tr>
104 + <td valign="top" ><font size="2" face="verdana"><b>Step
105 + 3.</b> Now you need to insert the wires into the black housings&nbsp; in a
106 + different order. Look at the "Dual DC Motor I/O" section on
107 + the OOPic-R board, and match the numbers by the pins to the correct
108 + wire from the Dual H-Bridge board. Then simply slide the wires back into
109 + the correct slot of the housing. If you make a mistake, just follow
110 + Step 2 to get the wire out again.<br>
111 + &nbsp;</font>
112 + <div align="center">
113 + <center>
114 + <table border="1" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
115 + <tbody><tr>
116 + <td colspan="3" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
117 + <p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2">4-wire housing</font></p></td>
118 + </tr>
119 + <tr>
120 + <td bordercolor="#808080" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
121 + <p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2">OOPic-R
122 + Pin Number</font></p>
123 + </td>
124 + <td bordercolor="#808080" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
125 + <p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2">Wire Color</font></p></td>
126 + <td bordercolor="#808080" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
127 + <p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2">From
128 + DHB</font></p>
129 + </td>
130 + </tr>
131 + <tr>
132 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0" align="center"><font size="2" face="Verdana">24</font></td>
133 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Purple</font></td>
134 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="Verdana">(A
135 + (+) in)</font></td>
136 + </tr>
137 + <tr>
138 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0" align="center"><font size="2" face="Verdana">17</font></td>
139 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Yellow</font></td>
140 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="verdana">(A
141 + enable)</font></td>
142 + </tr>
143 + <tr>
144 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0" align="center"><font size="2" face="Verdana">25</font></td>
145 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Brown</font></td>
146 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="verdana">(A
147 + (-) in)</font></td>
148 + </tr>
149 + <tr>
150 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0" align="center"><font size="2" face="Verdana">26</font></td>
151 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="Verdana">Dark
152 + Blue</font></td>
153 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="verdana">(B
154 + (+) in)</font></td>
155 + </tr>
156 + <tr>
157 + <td colspan="3" bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
158 + <p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2">2-wire housing</font></p></td>
159 + </tr>
160 + <tr>
161 + <td bordercolor="#808080" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
162 + <p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2">OOPic-R
163 + Pin Number</font></p>
164 + </td>
165 + <td bordercolor="#808080" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
166 + <p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2">Wire
167 + Color</font></p>
168 + </td>
169 + <td bordercolor="#808080" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
170 + <p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2">From
171 + DHB</font></p>
172 + </td>
173 + </tr>
174 + <tr>
175 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0" align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2">18</font></td>
176 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font face="Verdana" size="2">Light
177 + Blue</font></td>
178 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="verdana">(B
179 + enable)</font></td>
180 + </tr>
181 + <tr>
182 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0" align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2">27</font></td>
183 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font face="Verdana" size="2">Pink</font></td>
184 + <td bordercolor="#C0C0C0"><font size="2" face="verdana">(B
185 + (-) in)</font></td>
186 + </tr>
187 + <tr>
188 + <td bordercolor="#FFFFFF" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
189 + <td bordercolor="#FFFFFF">
190 + <p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="2">Table 3-1</font></p></td>
191 + <td bordercolor="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</td>
192 + </tr>
193 + </tbody></table>
194 + </center>
195 + </div>
196 + &nbsp;
197 + </td>
198 + <td align="center" valign="top" ><img src="" border="2" hspace="10" ><br>
199 + <font size="2" face="verdana">Figure 3-1.<br>
200 + <br>
201 + </font></td>
202 + </tr>
203 + <tr>
204 + <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
205 + </tr>
206 + <tr>
207 + <td valign="top" ><font size="2" face="verdana"><b>Step
208 + 4.</b> Your wires should look like the picture when you are done. If they
209 + are in the wrong order, then refer to Table 3-1 for the wire order.</font></td>
210 + <td align="center" valign="bottom" ><img src="" border="2" hspace="10" ><br>
211 + <font size="2" face="verdana">Figure 4-1.</font></td>
212 + </tr>
213 + <tr>
214 + <td valign="top" colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
215 + </tr>
216 + <tr>
217 + <td valign="top" ><font size="2" face="verdana"><b>Step 5.</b> On
218 + the Dual H-Bridge, attach wires from the battery and the motors as the
219 + diagram shows. Take care to observe polarity to prevent
220 + problems.&nbsp;</font></td>
221 + <td align="center" valign="bottom" ><img src="" border="2" hspace="10" ><br>
222 + <font size="2" face="verdana">Figure 5-1.</font></td>
223 + </tr>
224 + <tr>
225 + <td valign="top" colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
226 + </tr>
227 + <tr>
228 + <td valign="top" colspan="2">
229 + <p align="left"><font size="2" face="verdana"><b>Step 6.</b> This code will
230 + give you a good start on making your bot move around and be able to
231 + change direction with only two variables. By Jim
232 + Babcock</a>.</font></p></td>
233 + </tr>
234 + <tr>
235 + <td valign="top" colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
236 + </tr>
237 + <tr>
238 + <td valign="top" colspan="2">
239 + <div align="center">
240 + <center>
241 + <table border="1" bordercolor="#000000">
242 + <tbody><tr>
243 + <td bordercolor="#FFFFFF"><font face="Courier New" size="2">' This
244 + small program is designed to give you the basics to move your bot around<br>
245 + ' and change direction with just 2 variables (speed and turn)<br>
246 + <br>
247 + ' Speed is a value between 127 and -128 with 0 being neutral Or
248 + Stop<br>
249 + ' When speed is set from 1 to 127 the bot will move forward and
250 + faster As the value goes up<br>
251 + ' When speed is set from -1 to -128 the bot will move backward
252 + and faster As the value goes down<br>
253 + <br>
254 + ' Turn is a value between 127 and -128 with 0 being no turn at all<br>
255 + ' When turn is set from 1 to 127 the bot will move to the left. As the value goes up the bot turns harder.<br>
256 + ' When turn is set from -1 to -127 the bot will move to the right. As the value goes down the bot turns harder.<br>
257 + <br>
258 + ' It should be noted that since the objects Navcom, LeftMotor,
259 + and RightMotor have been linked<br>
260 + ' by Virtual Circuit that the main() program doesn't have to be
261 + loop for the bot to keep moving since the VC is<br>
262 + ' constantly running in the background. By the way VCs run about 5
263 + times faster the the other code.<br>
264 + <br>
265 + Dim RightMotor As New oDCMotor2 ' Right motor bank<br>
266 + Dim LeftMotor As New oDCMotor2 ' Left motor bank<br>
267 + Dim Turn As New oWord ' One number used to turn both left
268 + and right using the object Navcon through VC<br>
269 + Dim Speed As New oWord ' One number used to
270 + command both forward and reverse using the object Navcon through VC<br>
271 + Dim Nav As New oNavCon ' Object used to command your bot around using one speed value
272 + and one turn value<br>
273 + Sub main()<br>
274 + <br>
275 + Call motorsetup ' Sub program to set your
276 + motors up to run. (Only used once)<br>
277 + <br>
278 + Speed.signed = 1 ' Sets up the value property
279 + to use positive and negative numbers 127 to -128<br>
280 + turn.signed = 1 ' Sets up the value property
281 + to use positive and negative numbers 127 to -128<br>
282 + <br>
283 + Speed = 2 ' Change this variable to
284 + control speed and direction in this small program<br>
285 + Turn = 0 ' Change this variable to
286 + control left Or right turning in this small program<br>
287 + <br>
288 + Nav.Input1.Link(Speed) ' Links the speed variable to the Navcon object<br>
289 + Nav.Input2.Link(Turn) ' Links the turn variable to the Navcon object<br>
290 + Nav.Output1.Link(LeftMotor) ' Links the first output of Navcon
291 + to LeftMotor value using VC<br>
292 + Nav.Output2.LInk(RightMotor) ' Links the second output of Navcon
293 + to RightMotor value using VC<br>
294 + Nav.Limit = cvTrue ' Limits the left and right motor values from 127
295 + to -128<br>
296 + Nav.Operate = 1 ' Used to make this object active in the list
297 + loop<br>
298 + <br>
299 + End Sub<br>
300 + </font><font face="Courier New" size="2"><br>
301 + '**************************************************************************<br>
302 + '<br>
303 + '**************************************************************************</font><font face="Courier New" size="2"><br>
304 + <br>
305 + Sub motorsetup ()<br>
306 + <br>
307 + LeftMotor.IOLineP = 17 'Enable line of motor control PWM is used IOLINE P<br>
308 + leftMotor.InvertoutD=cvTrue 'Changes direction moves when
309 + commanded forward<br>
310 + leftMotor.prescale=2 'Used to step down the
311 + frequ. of PWM<br>
312 + leftMotor.period=255 'Used to set resalution of PWM (# of steps
313 + for value)<br>
314 + LeftMotor.IOLine1 = 24 'First control line for an L293 H-Bridge IOLINE 1<br>
315 + LeftMotor.IOLine2 = 25 'Second control line for an L293 H-Bridge IOLINE 2<br>
316 + LeftMotor.Operate = 1 'Used to make this object active in the list looop<br>
317 + LeftMotor.Brake = cvOff 'Makes sure brake is set to
318 + off<br>
319 + LeftMotor.value = cvOff 'Makes sure motor value set
320 + to 0<br>
321 + <br>
322 + RightMotor.IOLineP = 18 'Enable line of motor control PWM is used IOLINE P<br>
323 + RightMotor.InvertoutD=cvTrue 'Changes direction moves when
324 + commanded forward<br>
325 + RightMotor.prescale=2 'Used to step down the
326 + frequ. of PWM<br>
327 + RightMotor.period=255 'Used to set resalution of PWM (# of steps
328 + for value)<br>
329 + RightMotor.IOLine1 = 26 'First control line for an L293 H-Bridge IOLINE 1<br>
330 + RightMotor.IOLine2 = 27 'Second control line for an L293 H-Bridge IOLINE 2<br>
331 + RightMotor.Operate = 1 'Used to make this object active<br>
332 + RightMotor.Brake = cvOff 'Makes sure brake is set to
333 + off<br>
334 + RightMotor.value = cvOff 'Makes sure motor value set
335 + to 0<br>
336 + <br>
337 + End Sub</font></td>
338 + </tr>
339 + </tbody></table>
340 + </center>
341 + </div>
342 + <p>&nbsp;</p></td>
343 + </tr>
344 +</tbody></table>
345 +<br></body>
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