Wiki source code of Tracker ver 3.0 Manual

Last modified by Eric Nantel on 2023/02/08 13:43

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5 <p align="center"><span class="headlg">Tracker ver 3.0 Manual.</span>
6 </p><p align="center">Author: Jim Frye<br>
7 Date: <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" s-type="EDITED" s-format="%B %d, %Y" startspan -->October 20, 2009<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" i-CheckSum="31103" endspan --></p>
8 <table border="0" width="100%">
9 <tbody><tr>
10 <td width="50%" align="center"><span class="headmd">Table of Contents</span></td>
11 <td width="50%" align="center"><span class="headmd">Links</span></td>
12 </tr>
13 <tr>
14 <td width="50%">
15 <ul class="toc">
16 <li><a href="">Tracker</a>
17 <ul class="toc">
18 <li class="toc"><a href="">Mounting the Tracker Sensor</a></li>
19 <li class="toc"><a href="">Testing the Tracker Sensor</a></li>
20 </ul>
21 </li>
22 <li><a href="">Using the Tracker</a>
23 <ul class="toc">
24 <li class="toc"><a href="">The Theory</a></li>
25 <li class="toc"><a href="">Making a Course</a></li>
26 <li class="toc"><a href="">Additional Information</a></li>
27 </ul>
28 </li>
29 <!--<li><a href="#trouble">Troubleshooting</a>
30 <ul class="toc">
31 <li class="toc"><a href="#gentroub">General Troubleshooting</a></li>
32 </ul>
33 </li>-->
34 <li><a href="">Programming Examples</a>
35 <ul class="toc">
36 <li class="toc"><a href="">Basic Stamp 2: Simple</a></li>
37 <li class="toc"><a href="">Basic Stamp 2: Advanced</a></li>
38 </ul>
39 </li>
40 </ul>
41 </td>
42 <td width="50%" valign="top">
43 <ul class="toc">
44 <li><a href="" target="_blank">Tracker Schematic (pdf)</a></li>
45 </ul>
46 </td>
47 </tr>
48 </tbody></table>
49 <hr width="95%" color="#808080">
50 <p align="center"><span class="headmd"><a name="trackerlay">Tracker.</a></span></p>
51 <p><img border="0" src="" width="477" height="800"></p>
52 <p><span class="headsm"><a name="trackerfeat">Mounting the Tracker Sensor</a></span></p>
53 <p>The sensor can be mounted the the underside of a robot chassis toward the front of the vehicle. Position the sensor close to the floor with the
54 red LEDs facing up. The sensor will operate in an extremely wide range from about 0.5" from the floor to almost touching the surface. The
55 sensor appears to be immune to normal ambient lighting, although it may be necessary to shield the sensor from extremes.</p>
56 <p><img border="0" src="" width="400" height="300"></p>
57 <hr width="95%" color="#808080">
58 <p><span class="headsm"><a name="testing">Testing the Tracker Sensor</a></span></p>
59 The sensor can easily be tested by following this simple step-by-step procedure.
60 <ol>
61 <li>Prepare a test bed using a sheet of white paper and a short section of black electrical tape.</li>
62 <li>Apply a regulated 5vdc to the red wire and ground to the black wire.</li>
63 <li>Hold the sensor about 0.25" above the white paper and notice the red LEDs turn on. If not, quickly remove power and double-check your
64 wiring.</li>
65 <li>Move the sensor over the electrical tape positioning each of the three IR sensor pairs over the tape one at a time. You will notice the LED
66 that's positioned over the tape go out and come back on as it's moved back to the white section of the paper.</li>
67 <li>You can connect the outputs to a microcontroller to test them, or just connect the outputs to a volt meter. Each output will go high when
68 positioned over white, and low when positioned over black.</li>
69 </ol>
70 <hr width="95%" color="#808080">
71 <p align="center"><span class="headmd"><a name="usingtrack">Using the Tracker</a></span></p>
72 <p><span class="headsm"><a name="theory">The Theory</a></span></p>
73 <p>The theory behind line tracking is actually pretty simple. An infrared LED is paired with an infrared detector. The LED is illuminated and
74 directed to the surface where the line is to be detected. The detector is biased on and fed into a comparator to clean up the signal.</p>
75 <p>In order to keep the electronics as simple as possible a 74HC14 Schmidt-trigger hex inverter will replace the comparator circuitry. The very high
76 input impedance, built in hysteresis and low parts count makes the CMOS version an excellent alternative.</p>
77 <p><span class="headsm"><a name="course">Making a Course</a></span></p>
78 <p>Here is a list of the verified materials that can be used to make a line tracking course. I am sure with experimentation, other materials can be
79 used with equally successful results.</p>
80 <ul>
81 <li>Black electrical tape on white or light colored floor tile</li>
82 <li>Black electrical tape on white 3mm Sintra PVC. A 4x8' sheet can be cut into 32 12" square panels. Each panel can have a straight or
83 turning pattern, so the course can be changed. A radius of 6" can easily be made. This combination makes a great, durable, portable, and
84 re-configurable line tracking course.</li>
85 <li>Black Sharpie marker on end rolls of newsprint or butcher paper. With this material the course can be made as long as needed. Use this for
86 line tracking dragsters.</li>
87 </ul>
88 <p><span class="headsm"><a name="moreinfo">Additional Information</a></span></p>
89 <p>The programming is very simple. The outputs go low when the LED/IR Detector pair is positioned over a black surface, and high when positioned
90 over a white surface. Check for detection of a line. If the center surface sees the line, go forward. If the left sensor sees the line, turn left.
91 If the right sensor sees the line, turn right. You will want the robot to remember which sensor saw the line last and continue to make corrections
92 in order to negotiate turns where the line will be out of the sensors' view for a limited amount of time. I have included some sample files for the
93 Basic Stamp. There is even some code that can handle a search for the line if it loses it completely. Experiment with the code and have fun.</p>
94 <p><img border="0" src="" width="400" height="300"></p>
95 <!--<hr width="95%" color="#808080">
96 <p align="center"><span class="headmd"><a name="trouble">Troubleshooting</a></span></p>
97 <p><span class="headsm"><a name="gentroub">General Troubleshooting</a></span></p>
98 <p>[Copied from Bot Board page:] The green power (PWR) LED should glow if the regulator is getting the proper power. You must make sure to connect
99 the battery or wall pack with the proper polarity. This means the red wire is positive (+) and the black wire is ground (-). <font color="#FF0000">If
100 you connect the battery or wall pack with the polarity reversed, the regulator and the microcontroller can be instantaneously and permanently
101 damaged!</font> Check your wiring carefully before applying power.</p>
102 <p>The maximum voltage for VL is 9.6vdc. If you use a higher voltage the regulator may overheat and you could get burned!</p>
103 <p>Orient the microcontroller with its Pin 1 oriented toward the arrow by the Reset button. If the microcontroller is installed backwards it will
104 not be damaged by the Bot Board, but it will not be recognized by the IDE.</p>-->
105 <hr width="95%" color="#808080">
106 <p align="center"><span class="headmd"><a name="program">Programming Examples</a></span></p>
107 <p><span class="headsm"><a name="bs2_01">Basic Stamp 2: Simple Line Following</a></span></p>
108 <div class="code">
109 <p>'program: ltrack1.bas<br>
110 'This program does simple line following.
111 </p><p>symbol error_level = b0<br>
112 symbol left_sensor = pin5<br>
113 symbol center_sensor = pin6<br>
114 symbol right_sensor = pin7<br>
115 low 0 'Left Servo<br>
116 low 1 'Right Servo</p>
117 <p>start: 'Line seen, correct direction<br>
118 if left_sensor = 0 then a<br>
119 if right_sensor = 0 then b<br>
120 if center_sensor = 0 then c<br>
121 'Line not seen, do last action<br>
122 if error_level = 1 then a<br>
123 if error_level = 2 then b<br>
124 if error_level = 3 then c<br>
125 goto start</p>
126 <p>a: error_level = 1<br>
127 pulsout 0,150 'Left wheel stop<br>
128 pulsout 1,200 'Right wheel forward<br>
129 pause 10<br>
130 goto start</p>
131 <p>b: error_level = 2<br>
132 pulsout 0,200 'Left wheel forward<br>
133 pulsout 1,150 'Right wheel stop<br>
134 pause 10<br>
135 goto start</p>
136 <p>c: error_level = 3<br>
137 pulsout 0,200 'Left wheel forward<br>
138 pulsout 1,200 'Right wheel forward<br>
139 pause 10<br>
140 goto start</p>
141 </div>
142 <p><span class="headsm"><a name="bs2_02">Basic Stamp 2: Advanced Line Following</a></span></p>
143 <div class="code">
144 <p>'program: ltrack2.bas<br>
145 'This program does advanced line<br>
146 'following. If it loses the line it will<br>
147 'do a search for it.</p>
148 <p>symbol x = b0<br>
149 symbol y = b1<br>
150 symbol correct = b2<br>
151 symbol lost = b3<br>
152 symbol left = pin5<br>
153 symbol center = pin6<br>
154 symbol right = pin7<br>
155 low 0 'Left Servo<br>
156 low 1 'Right Servo<br>
157 lost = 1<br>
158 correct = 1</p>
159 <p>'Line seen, correct position<br>
160 start:<br>
161 if right = 0 then on_trac_right<br>
162 start1:<br>
163 if left = 0 then on_trac_left<br>
164 start2:<br>
165 if center = 0 then on_trac_center</p>
166 <p>'Line not seen, do last action<br>
167 lost = lost + 1<br>
168 if lost = 40 then find_line<br>
169 if correct = 1 then off_trac_center<br>
170 if correct = 2 then off_trac_left<br>
171 if correct = 3 then off_trac_right<br>
172 goto start</p>
173 <p>on_trac_center:<br>
174 correct = 1<br>
175 lost = 0<br>
176 gosub forward<br>
177 goto start<br>
178 on_trac_left:<br>
179 correct = 2<br>
180 lost = 0<br>
181 gosub left_turn<br>
182 goto start1<br>
183 on_trac_right:<br>
184 correct = 3<br>
185 lost = 0<br>
186 gosub right_turn<br>
187 goto start2</p>
188 <p>off_trac_center:<br>
189 correct = 1<br>
190 gosub forward<br>
191 goto start<br>
192 off_trac_left:<br>
193 correct = 2<br>
194 gosub left_turn<br>
195 goto start<br>
196 off_trac_right:<br>
197 correct = 3<br>
198 gosub right_turn<br>
199 goto start</p>
200 <p>find_line:<br>
201 for x=1 to 50<br>
202 gosub look<br>
203 gosub left_spin<br>
204 next<br>
205 for x=1 to 100<br>
206 gosub look<br>
207 gosub right_spin<br>
208 next<br>
209 for x=1 to 50<br>
210 gosub look<br>
211 gosub left_spin<br>
212 next<br>
213 for x=1 to 50<br>
214 gosub look<br>
215 gosub forward<br>
216 next<br>
217 goto find_line</p>
218 <p>look:<br>
219 if right = 0 then start<br>
220 if left = 0 then start<br>
221 if center = 0 then start<br>
222 return</p>
223 <p>forward:<br>
224 pulsout 0,200 'Left wheel forward<br>
225 pulsout 1,200 'Right wheel forward<br>
226 pause 10<br>
227 return</p>
228 <p>left_turn:<br>
229 pulsout 0,150 'Left wheel stop<br>
230 pulsout 1,200 'Right wheel forward<br>
231 pause 10<br>
232 return</p>
233 <p>right_turn:<br>
234 pulsout 0,200 'Left wheel forward<br>
235 pulsout 1,150 'Right wheel stop<br>
236 pause 10<br>
237 return</p>
238 <p>left_spin:<br>
239 pulsout 0,100 'Left wheel reverse<br>
240 pulsout 1,200 'Right wheel forward<br>
241 pause 10<br>
242 return</p>
243 <p>right_spin:<br>
244 pulsout 0,200 'Left wheel forward<br>
245 pulsout 1,100 'Right wheel reverse<br>
246 pause 10<br>
247 Return</p>
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